★ Chapter Four ★

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I rub my forehead in frustration. My eyes are burning, my legs are shaking, and my head is throbbing, and all I can think about is Sting. Of all the times, I choose now to think about him. In the middle of a battle, you've got to be kidding!

"Lucy, pay attention!" My thoughts clear again as Gray yells at me, again.

"Sorry, Gray!" I say, leaping out of the way in time.

"Looks like someone is distracted," Gray shouts over to me. "What is it this time?"

"It's nothing, just didn't sleep well last night," I take out my Cancer key and transform into his star dress.

"Couldn't sleep, huh?" Gray sends out an icy blast, knocking over an opponent and encasing it in ice. "Does it have to deal with a certain person?"

"Not exactly," I lie.

Gray raises an eyebrow, "and what's that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing," I send a blast at the last opponent, knocking it over. "It just involves multiple people, that have all caused me problems, but I care about."

"Can I guess the people?"



atsu runs into the room cheering, he's soon followed by Sting and Rogue, and for some odd reason, Erza.

"Nice job, Luce!" Natsu cheers.

"Thanks," I grin. "Gray helped a lot too."

Gray grins, putting his arm over my shoulders. He's my brother and I'm his sister, we'd established this long ago.

"Alright, come in, let's see what the twin dragon slayers got," Gray says cheekily.

We walk out of the room to the viewing area. I was about to stop when Gray nudges me to walk with him.

"Let's go talk," he says, and I know what's coming.

I follow him to a food market in the building. This place really was very cool.  Master had recommended it to train for the games, and he was right. This place was perfect.

"Lucy, you were really distracted in there," Gray says, sitting down at a table.

I sat across from him, frowning, "I know."

"If that were a real battle, you could get seriously hurt!" I sigh nodding my head.

"It won't happen again, just some stuff happened last night so I'm a little slow today. I'll be fine for the games tomorrow."

"What happened when you went home?"


"Lucy! Did you see our match!" Sting calls.

"Let's just say I had to share a moment with the twin dragon slayers, and it threw me off," I don't give him a chance to reply as I walk up to the twins. "No, sorry, I had to take a quick breather is all."

"Aw," Sting sighs.

"Sorry, Sting, maybe next time."

"Alright!" Erza calls. "You all did well, but training is still needed! Meet here at ten tomorrow night," everyone groans.

"We have the games tomorrow though," Sting whines. "Why do we have to train, too?"

"Are you questioning my orders?" Erza sends a deadly glare in his direction.

He shivers before replying with a shaky, "no, ma'am."

"Good, now everyone go home and get some rest!"


"Hey, Lucy," Sting calls as he takes step next to me. "You going home now?"

"Yeah, I'm kinda tired. I'm assuming your gonna go celebrate with the rest of them?"

"Yeah, I think so," he shrugs. "I might change my mind though."

"Try to at least get seven hours of sleep," I scold. "We do have matches tomorrow and we have to be the best we can be!"

"Yeah, yeah, I've already heard from Erza."

"Well, now you're hearing it from me too, so maybe you'll understand how important it is for you to get sleep and not drunk."

"Fine, fine!" He sighs. "I'll go back and go to sleep."

"Good," I smile.

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