Chapter 3

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Previous chapter...
I saw a small boy, barely my shoulder, getting pushed against the lockers by a much bigger boy. The boy was so small that his toes were barely touching the ground. I gasped at the sight and the huge boy saw me. He walked dangerously slow and...


Jungkook's Pov
He walked dangerously slow and punched me in the stomach creating bruise there. "Well... Well... Well... If it isn't the newbie. You haven't even been here for a week and you're already snooping in other people's business." he said with a smirk. I wasn't really terrified of him counting my reputation in my old school.
I had trust issues and not to mention a hint of anger issues. When my brother was murdered, the would be a rumour that i killed him and i would always get into fights because of that. That is why i transfer to this new school where no one knows about my brother's death.
"Well... Well... Well... If it isn't the big, fat idiot." i replied back to him with smirked. "Now if you don't mind, i have more important things to do than fight an idiot. " i turned back around with a satified huff and left.

Jimin's Pov
Jungkook was looking really pale throughout the lesson. Halfway through the lesson, he excused himself to go to the bathroom. He literally dashed out of the classroom when the teacher gave him permition. He was away for a while.
5 minutes... 15 minutes... 30 minutes...
I was starting to get really nervous.
Why am i concerned about him? He will probably leave me when he knows about my secret. Who would want to be friends with a weak, abused, ugly boy like me? He would probably leave like everyone did. In my whole life, i've only had 1 true close friend. We use to do everything together, we were known as the duo. One day, he suddenly stopped going to school and i've never heard from him again.
Jungkook suddenly barged into the classroom with a mischevious smirk on his face. His eyes are practically twinkling with mischief. His hair was slightly messy and his shirt was a bit crinkly. He went back to his spot beside me.

(Time skip : breaktime)

Like the day before, we ere sitting on the roof of the school. I was curious about his mischevious face. "Well someone's in a great mood today. " i stated. He looked at me for a second before turning back to see the scenery. "I don't know. I just feel great today. Besides, this morning i just puked my guts out and now i feel lighter." he had been puking? I glanced at him with concern in my eyes one last time. He was looking out to the school with a smile on his face. At least he was happy.

(Time skip : after school)

3rd Pov
Jungkook went home and directly studied as usual. It has become his daily routine to study in his spare time. His father always expect him to study to get good grades. He was starting to get really ill and he was feeling unwell but he didn't give it much thought.
While Jungkook was stuck studying in his room, Jimin was busy getting beaten in his room. His father was saying things like "You are such a worthless child." and "you're a mistake to this world". Jimin could only deal with the pain for so long 'till he breaks down and gives up as his stupid excuse of a father abuse him physically and mentally.

(Time Skip : the next morning)

Jimin's Pov
My body was aching everywhere as i took another round of beating from father morning because 'father' said that i'm lazy and i always wake up late. Now i'm in the bathroom yet again trying to cover up the bruises from this morning. Once im done getting ready, i hurriedly left for school before i get another beating.
I reached the classroom 5 minutes before the bell rang and sat on my spot by the window. Jungkook was already seated beside me looking paler than ever. "Are you alright?" i asked concerned. "I'm alright" he answered weakly. He didn't look alright, anyone can see that. He just sat there with a small smile on his face. He even had bags under his eyes as if he didn't sleep a wink last night. I knew if i kept asking questions he would see me as a nosy person so i stopped asking and ingnored my concern for him.
We joined different classes for arts lesson. I join dancing and he joined singing. We went our seperated ways after saying a short goodbye.
In the middle of dance class, i had a feeling that something bad happened so i excused myself to go to the toilet. As i passed by the gym class, i heard grunting noises and a loud bang. I peaked inside the gymnasium and was shocked with the sight in front of me. There, in the middle of the field, was jungkook huddled between a group of senior boys. He was bruised and had a small cut on his perfectly tender lips.

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