Chapter 6

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Jimin's Pov
I woke up sprawled on the ground of my bathroom. My whole body ached as i struggled to get up. After taking a whole half an hour, i manage to reach the bathroom and wash up all the cuts and dried blood. I noticed that one of my foot was limping and it hurts like hell.
I reached school and the hallway was empty. I figured school had started and everyone was in class. I wasn't a person who would be late to class. I'm a person with a mindset of 'if you're gonna be late, just don't go at all.' The hallway was deserted without a trace of students nor teachers. I must be that late. I reach my class, and noticed that I nearly skipped homeroom period. I sat at my usual spot and saw Jungkook on his seat, looking horrifying. Not only does he looked exhausted, he was also pale. He wore a hoodie which was not what he'd usually wear and this made me concerned and suspicious.

Jungkook's Pov

( time reverse : after the party)

When Jimin left, I figured that it was getting late. I reached home at 12.30 am and saw my father standing at the doorway looking mad as hell. He dragged me across the house to his office and threw me against the floor. I swear I'm not lying when I saw I've never seen him more mad in my entire life except when he isolated my for 'being the cause' of my brother's murder.
"WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?! I clearly said NOT to go to the party and yet you didn't listen. You never listen. Unlike your brother, you're just a pain in the ass." With that, he raised his hand ready to strike me.
I stopped him with all my strength. "NO!" I knew he was stronger than me and I knew that he could knock me out with one blow but something in my gut feeling says that I should start standing up for myself. "I'm not listening to you again. All you want is money and a good impression. I say that's selfish. You don't know what I want, you never ask my opinion, what I feel."
"You're right. I don't care about what you feel. But I do care about my business so that's why I arranged a marriage with the head of the Lee Corp. and you are going to get married with their beautiful daughter. No objections." And he kicked me out of his office.
My heart was full of dread. Why could this happen to me? Without thinking much, I went to my bathroom and took my dagger out from under the sink and slowly but surely made a small cut. Blood seeped through my wrist as I embraced pain like an old friend. It wasn't enough for me. I made 1 cut. 2 cuts. 3 cuts. Till I ended up with 4 cuts, each cut deeper than the last. My hand went numb. Blood were spilling out my wrist. Then I remembered, "jimin!". As I cleaned the blood of my wrist and the floor, only one thought was in my mind and that was Jimin. I wrapped my wrist with a bandage to help stop the blood.
That night I didn't slept a wink and when I got from the bed in the morning I probably looked dead. I had huge bags under my eyes and really chapped lips. Every time I would use my wrist, the awful pain would kick in. I manage to put on a hoodie and a jeans which my wrist hurt like hell.
I managed to drive with one hand and only used both hands for sharp turns. I reached school on time, right before the bell rang.
I sat at my seat feeling very sick but that doesn't stop me from noticing that Jimin's seat was empty. I didn't feel like attending class but I knew my father would kill me if I skipped class. I was staring at the class whiteboard from my seat at the back when someone entered the class "sorry I'm late!"
It was Jimin. He hurried to the back and sat at the seat beside me. He stared at me for a few seconds looking horrified. I knew I looked exhausted but was it really that bad?

3rd POV
Jimin was concerned about Jungkook throughout the first and second period. When the first recess bell came, Jimin held Jungkook's wrist ready to drag him to the garden to talk but when he held Jungkook's wrist, Jungkook gasped in pain. "Are you ok? " Jimin asked, concerned. "I'm fine" responded Junkook while rubbing his wrist.
Jimin looked at Jungkook suspiciously.
They continue to walk towards the garden and Jimin nearly forgot his limped foot. Each step he took got so much worse. Now it was Jungkook's turn to look at Jimin suspiciously. "Why is he limping? I'll ask him later." Jungkook thought.
Once they reach the school garden and found a tree to sit under, they both turned towards each other as Jungkook and Jimin exclaimed, "What is wrong with your foot?" "What is wrong with your wrist?" respectively. An uncomfortable silence followed after, neither of them wanting to say the truth. "I'm fine" they said at the same time which only increased the akwardness between them.
"I twisted my ankle when i ran." jimin said first. "my arm accidently hit a wall really hard while turning around a corner." jungkook answered (wow.. Im so creative🙄 hitting a wall by turning around a corner 😂what??? does that even make sense?) Both knew they were lying yet neither of them commented on it.
They ignored their encounter and curiosity and pretended like nothing happened.

Jungkook's Pov

( timeskip : few days later)

I don't even know why i agreed to father. It's not like I care about what he wants yet here i am, sitting in front of the CEO of Lee Corp. and beside his daughter.
"This is my beautiful daughter, Arabella Lee."
"This is my wonderful son, Jeon Jungkook"
Arabella wore a designer short dress and carried a channel bag. She was quiet throughout the conversation between the CEOs but wore a very bored expression, almost as if she hated it as much as I did.
Instead of listening to father's conversation, i chose to learn more about Arabella.
"What do you think about this arranged marriage?" i chose to start a conversation of my own.
She plastered a smile and said "it will be useful for father's business." Even a blind man can can see that it's fake. A while later with me staring at her with an expression of are-you-sure, she let out a long sigh. "Honestly, this sucks. I mean, don't get me wrong, you seem like a great guy but i would love it if i can marry whoever i want." she spoke.
I put on a grin and said, "glad we're on the same page. "
We continue to chat about random things. I got to know her and she got to know me. I learnt that she has a crush on this girl named Lisa and she doesn't know how to tell her. After that, we ended up exchanging numbers to come up with a plan to cancel the marriage.
I can really relate to Arabella. Both of us have no freedom from our fathers, always getting controlled and such, Both of us are bisexual, and so much more.
At the end we parted, and obviously father directly ordered me to go study.
Instead of studying, i ended up texting Arabella all night trying to make a plan to cancel the wedding. It was pretty difficult to come up with an easy and simple plan. We were planning on going with the simple tell-the-person tactic and for plan B, we will pretend like we hate each other and start dating/hanging out with other people.

( timeskip : the next day )

I was slightly nervous, not sure how father would react. I waited in the living room waiting for him to come home from work. What should i say to him?
'Sorry father but i don't want to marry Arabella. ' that sounds too harsh.
' i respect your descision but for once i would like to marry whoever i want. '
'Father, call off the wedding ' i was getting more and more nervous.
Suddenly, the front door opened to reveal father with his black business suit. "Father, i need to talk to you. " i said trying to stay calm. He motioned for me to follow him so i did. We went inside his office and he sat on one of the many chairs and i sat on another one. I can tell by the look on his face he was starting to get impatient.
I took a deep breath and said, "I respect and follow every descision you made but just this once, may i choose my own path. I would love to marry the person i actually loved. Getting a partner for life is a huge descision that could change your life forever. i know you might think of me as a useless child but that doesn't mean i don't want to choose for myself." each word i said made him angrier and angrier. Even a blind man can tell. "Please may i just choo-"
Before i could finish my sentence, he did the unthinkable. He slapped my across my face! "WHY ARE YOU SO DISOBEDIENT!? I DID THIS FOR YOUR OWN GOOD AND IN THE FUTURE, YOU WOULD THANK ME FOR THIS MARRIAGE. " He was bizzare mad. He threw me to the floor, kicked my stomach and marched of to his bedroom.
For once, i actually felt angry instead of being weak. For once, i wanted to fight back for my rights. For once, i actually want to stand up for myself.

Finally done with this chapter! I am writing this during school days so it is pretty difficult to finish it fast. I hope you enjoy reading this story up until here. I hope the plot isn't too boring. I'll try to finish the next chapter as soon as possible. Thx always...

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