Chapter 7

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So sorry for the damn long delay. School was busy and of course procrastination. But here is the delayed update. Hopefully my story is still enjoyable.thx for reading  and stay safe from the covid19 virus.

Arabella's Pov
     I reached school like usual, using my dad's BMW. Once I reached school, students were already waiting there, waiting for me to come. Always wanting to interview me. Today was no different. I honestly hate the attention and the fact that my father was the CEO of one of the biggest company. It's hard for me to make friends at school because of this.
     I only have a group of friends. There is Mariah, the smart in the group, Harley, the crack head and dork, and then there is Lisa, my crush. (Pictures at the bottom of the chapter)
     I trust the girls with all, scratch that, most of my secrets. They still have no idea about the arranged marriage and I tend to keep it that way. For now.
     I reached the locker room to see them together with Ryan, Lisa's boyfriend. Yes... She got a boyfriend. It obviously pains my heart to see that but what else can I do?
I put on my happy mask and said, "Hey guys! Did I miss anything? " "right on time, here comes the popstar! " Said Mariah. We walked to class together and had our first period. Second period. Third period. Without noticing it was already the end of school period.
      " wanna join us later? We are going to the seasonal night carnival later night. " Harley invited.
     " ummm.... " I said unsurely. It's not like I don't want to go, my father just doesn't allow me to hang out with friends after school. After much consideration, I thought 'you know what Y-O-L-O. ' "I'm in! "
     I reached home and was debating whether i should tell father but i decided not to. As always, a tutor will come to teach me from 3-5pm. I honestly hated tutoring. I mean Its not like i can't do school.
     By the time the clock turns 5.30,i turned nervous. Questions and questions were running through my head. What if I get caught?  What would father do? Would i be grounded again? Or locked up in my room? Will i make it out safely?
     I tip-toed across the long hallways. Damn why does this mansion have to be this big. Luckily, Dad and Mom are in their rooms doing whatever they are doing and all the servants had went back to their quarters. I crept out through the backdoor and walked around the block before calling Harley to pick me up.
     With a little traffic, Harley and I managed to reach the carnival by 7.00. We arrived just in time to see a beautiful light show. Harley and I stopped to watch the mesmerizing light show before going to find the others.
     " there they are! " i could hear Mariah's voice as we approached a hotdog stand.

Jungkook's Pov
     I was awfully mad at my father. Scratch that. I was more than mad at my father, i was furious. I get that he always think he knows what's best for me but its MY life life not his. And anyway, anyone with eyes could see that this marriage is beneficial for him in business and not really 'for my own good' as he put it.
     You know what, i made up my mind. I ain't gonna let him control my life like that. I'm tired of being his puppet, trying to make him proud though i know he would always think about my dead brother (no offence to him) instead of me.
     I checked my wrist for scars. Several on my wrist some on my thighs, most of them faded, but some of them looking quite new. a bunch of scars painted my pale wrist. I will not cut again, for mom, for my murdered brother, for my friends, especially for Jimin. No more depression, no more vulnerability. Its time to be strong. no more being the coward who can't stand up for himself. 

(Time skip : the next day)

     Ugh... Another school day, at least i get to get away from my father. It was 5.30am and i got a ping from my phone. I opened my phone to see a few messages from Arabella.

What did your father said about cancelling the wedding?

Bad news... I got in trouble with father. He was furious.

Scars-💜jikook💜Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon