Chapter 4

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3rd Pov
     No one knows how, those 6 boys became close really quick. Obviously Jimin stayed close to Jungkook. He was his first friend in 10 years.
     As usual, jimin would get beaten up by his dad for unreasonable reasons though he wasn't as depressed as usual. He learned to endure the pain and with the help of the bangtan boys, he would get stronger and stronger everyday.
     Unfortunately, you can't say the same goes for Jungkook. He still cuts every time he is stressed. You could even say that he cuts more than he did before. While he was hanging with the bangtan boys, his grades start dropping. At home, his father required him to study harder to create a better image for his father. Sometimes, his father would be too focused on making Jungkook study, he would even forget to give him dinner.

Jimin Pov
     These past days been really tiring for me with the abusion still going on. I am not really concerned for myself, i am more worried about Jungkook.
     He oftenly come to school nearly late looking exhausted and very very pale. Everytime i asked, he would just shrug it off.
He had huge bags underneath his eyes, his lips starting to lose its colours, and he was starting to get really thin. I'm worried he's starving himself.

Jungkook POV
     "Why are you not studying?!" My father screamed in my ear. To say I was scared was an understatement. I knew what he can do. "I was about to... " before I could continue he cut me off again. "I don't care what you were about to do! You better be studying next time I come back. " He slapped me hard on the cheek before leaving me alone in the room.
     I went into my bathroom and opened my secret cabinet. This cabinet was filled with daggers, pills, needles, and a first aid kit. I took my favorite small dagger and start applying pressure to it on my skin. Blood came spurting out from the cut onto the floor. I know that cutting is bad for me but it is the only way to relief my stress.
     I cleaned my wound with the first aid kit. I traced my hand over my past scars and cuts and sighed. I remember how and why each one was made, all that crimson blood coming out. I sighed once more before putting my dagger and first aid kit back into the cabinet.
     I know Jimin is concerned about my health and I find it really cute how he is worried but I am not ready to tell my deep secret.

(Time Skip : a week later)

3rd POV
     As always, Jungkook came slightly late looking more tired than he did the week before, if that was even possible. It looks like he hasn't slept in days. He sat down with a huff at his usual spot beside Jimin. Jimin looked at him concerned but chose not to comment on it.
     As the day dragged on, Jimin can't help but feel concerned about Jungkook's state. It was during gym class that Jimin knew he was not fine. They were running miles and Jungkook was sweating more than normal. He was easily out of breath and very weak. Jimin ran beside him the whole time to get a chance to ask Jungkook about his state.

Jimin's Pov
(While running)
     I was running beside Jungkook and decided to ask him about his weak state.
     "Jungkook, are you alright?" I asked him,  concerned because of his pale face. "You look exhausted and pale." I stated. "I'm fine" jungkook said looking at me, trying to give me his best smile which wasn't even a smile which got me more worried. "Are you sure?"
I continued asking and "I'm alright" he kept saying until he couldn't take it anymore.
     "I SAID I'M FINE, JIMIN. WHAT DO YOU UNDERSTAND WITH THE PHRASE I'M FI... " He couldn't even finish his sentence before he collapsed on the running track. I looked at him in disbelief and horror.
     Yes I was hurt and terrified when he shouted at me but I was even more terrified now. He was just shouting a second ago and now he is collapsed on the floor. i had a few questions in my head, what happened?
     He was brought to the school nurse to check his pulse and blood tension. "You may leave now, Jimin. You have to get back my class" the nurse was saying to me. I shook my head "no, I'm staying with Jungkook" she shook her head in disbelief "you can't do that Mr Park. I will tell you when he wakes up." Reluctantly, I headed back to class.
     Throughout the whole day I could only think of Jungkook. I couldn't focus in lessons and I was forgetful and clumsy. Jungkook was the only thing occupying my mind.

(Time Skip : Lunchtime)
A.N. breaktime/break is like 1st Break and lunchtime/lunch is like 2nd break so they have 2 breaks in total

     It was already lunchtime and the school nurse hasn't call me so I decided to visit him myself. As I was walking to the school clinic when I was suddenly shoved to a hall. I look up to come face to face with that senior who beated Jungkook last time in the gym before we met the Bangtan boys. I internally gulp at his size.
     "Hey look guys, it's the boy from our last encounter. Hey weak boy, how have you been since snitching on us.? " he snickered.
He slammed me against the lockers and smirked at the others, "should we teach him a lesson?" I honestly felt so small against those guys. I saw him lift his fist about to punch me. I closed my eyes and wait for the impact but it never came.
     I opened my eyes to see another hand holding the fist from punching. I looked to my left to see Jungkook smirking. He glanced at me for a while before looking back at the boys. "You know boys, I would hate to beat you but if you keep bullying then you leave me no choice." He said with much confidence. The others snickered, "what can a small boy like you do? Last time we saw you, you looked so scared, doing nothing." Jungkook replied, "oh! I wasn't really caring that time. You guys were just wasting my time. Now, let go of Jimin." The boys just held my tighter.
     "Well you leave me no choice" With that said, Jungkook immediately punched that guys straight in the nose. We saw him stagger a bit before looking up with a bloody nose. "Boys, get him!"
     It all happened in a blink of an eye. Next thing I knew, all the boys were down on the floor with Jungkook smirking at them. He didn't have a single bruise or scratch. "Told you I was going easy" then he glanced at me "come on Jimin. Let's go leave these pricks." To say I was shocked would be an understatement.  Not only was he healthy as ever, he also managed to knock down all of the seniors. I was shook (Jungshook 😉). I was thinking for so long that I didn't even notice Jungkook already started walking away. "You coming, Jimin?" I followed Jungkook and we reached the Bangtan Office.

Jungkook POV
(Flashback : while Jungkook was about to get released from the school clinic)
     I was listening to the school nurse explaining why I fainted. "There is nothing wrong with your body, no diseases.  You were just exhausted and stressed. Try sleeping and eating more and don't forget to drink more water." She was saying. I left the school nurse and realized it was lunchtime so I went to find Jimin.
     I was passing by one of the many corridors in school and heard a loud bang from the locker room. i decided to peak and was furioused with what I saw. Jimin was pushed against the lockers, his feet barely on the ground, by the same boys that wanted to beat me last time in the gymnasium. I saw the boy raise his fist, about to punch Jimin and I decided to step in.

(Time skip : after Jungkook knocked down the boys)

     I gotta admit, those boys out up a good fight but i've fought worse before. "come on Jimin. Let's go leave these pricks." I walked toward the end of the corridor and glanced back to see Jimin staring into nothing. "You coming, Jimin?" He looked back at me and gave me a smile. His smile somehow always warm my heart.
     We reached the Bangtan Office. We saw all the members eating pizza while lounging lazily on the couch. "Hey! Why didn't you guys tell us we had pizza!" Jimin exclaimed. All 4 boys turned to look at us. Their eyes move between me and Jimin. Suddenly, they all bombarded me with questions. "Are you alright Jungkook?" Pretty sure they were all waiting to hear what happened. "I'm fine. The school nursed just told me to rest more." I then turned to Jimin, "By the way, sorry for shouting at you Jimin." I gave him my bunny smile. "It's alright." I was staring directly into his deep hazel eyes. The other boys were staring at us suspiciously.
     "Alright, time for pizza!" I said breaking the tension. "By the way, there's gonna be a party laternight in the school. Can you guys come?" I said remembering a party some kid in class mention. We enjoyed the rest of the lunchtime with eating pizza and chatting.

Finally done with chapter 4. Sorry if I took so long to post it. School is starting to get really busy. Anyway, pls vote on this story <3.

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