Chapter 8

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Jimin's Pov
I spent the next few days by going to Jungkook's house each day, after school, to learn maths. I was slowly getting better with algebra and linear equations even though i still hated it. At least i got to get better scores and i get to spend more time with Jungkook. If it's not obvious, i'm starting to develop a serious crush on him.
Each day, i will spent most of my time after school at his house. Whether we're hanging out or he's tutoring me, wether we're doing something or doing nothing at all, one thing is for sure, i'm almost always at his house. I reach home progressingly later each day but its not like my 'dad' cares.
It's been a month since I last go home right after school. I would usually be in Jungkook's house or hanging out with the rest of bangtan and my father would never care, but today I recieved a text from father to go home right after school. As i walk home, I was feeling nervous yet curious at the same time. I occupied my mind with list of reasons why he asked me to reach home early. In no time I reached my house and ad i walked in, I saw my father dressed sitting in the dining room which was odd cause he never dressed up before. After noticing up on my arrival, he quickly showed up and shoved me against a wall.
"I'm going on a date and I'm going to show her our house later. By the time i reach home, I want this house spotless and out of my sight. You can be in your room and not make a noise or I'll kick you out until she leave. Do I make myself clear?!"
"Yes father." i answered with a trembling voice.
"With that settled I'm gonna go. Remember i want this house spotless." he reminded me and left.
Next thing in my mind was how in the world am i supposed to make this house spotless. There were cigarettes and bottles of alcohol scattered everywhere. Some bills here and there and nearly the whole house filled with stuff. Not only that but our walls are growing some mould and had an awful stench.
I started with thowing out all the useless things like cigarettes, bottles of alcohol, and useless bills. As i was throwing out a broken glass, i accidently pricked my self and blood were starting to appear but i had no time to waste so i quickly rinsed it with water and carried on with my work. I had a few hours left and half the house was still a mess. I carried on with cleaning his things in the living room and his room. Then i sweeped and mop the floor. From time to time my finger would hurt but I paid no attention to it. Lastly, i scrubbed out the mould on the walls. After 3 hours of work, the place was clean, well as clean as it could be, and i was exhausted. Sadly there was still a stench on the walls so i sprayed a bit of perfume here and there.
When i was finished, i chose to get out of the house before father came back. I stole the keys to my room from one of father's drawers and proceeded to lock my door and bring my bag along with a jacket, my room keys, an extra pair of house keys and my phone in my bag and left the house. I had no idea where i would sleep so i decided to call my good friend, Jungkook, if i could stay at his place for a night.

Jungkook's Pov
When Jimin asked me if he was allowed to stay in my house for a night, i calmly agreed but deep down i was panicking a lot. What if he saw my blades, he'll think I'm a freak and I'd hate for that to happen to my first friend. I quickly hid the them all deep inside my closet and cleaned my room. I didn't have to tell parents cause they're away for business as always. By the time i was finished, the doorbell rang. I opened the door and saw Jimin standing there with his black bag over his shoulder. He was wearing black sweatpants and a navy blue hoodie.
"Hey! Are your parents at home?" He asked me after giving me a small hug and a shy wave.
"They are but i told them you're staying over." I told him.
I brought him to my room and we spent a fre hours playing video games. "So why did you ask to stay over?" I asked him curiously. He looked at me for a while with pure panic in his eyes before he said, "my father's away and i'm kinda lonely (?)". In the end he sounded like he was questioning his own statement. "Ok" i said unconvinced but I didn't push the matter.
In the middle of playing our video game, a knock was heard from the door a long with a "sir, dinner's ready". I took Jimin to our dining room which, in my opinion, is bigger than what we needed.

Jimin's Pov
After having a packed dinner with more food than i could ever eat for dinner in Jungkook's huge dining room which was bigger than my living room, we went back up to Jungkook's room. We continued playing till late at night.
"Oh my god. Its already 11p.m. Stupid me, i forgot the time. You should refresh yourself. I have an extra bathroom right down the hall and here, use this towel." jungkook said after checking the time.
Oh my God... Stupid me forgot to bring extra clothes. should i borrow his?
"Right um.. Jungkook, i kinda forgot to bring extra clothes so these are the only ones i have now." I said, pointing to the clothes i was wearing. "Do you think i could borrow some clothes?"
"Sure!" He said and looked into his walk-in closet for anything i could wear. "Would this be ok" he asked bringing out a pair of sweatpants and a white shirt.
"Yeah that would be fine. Thanks." I said and took the shirt and pants he gave me. I walked down the hall and found a door on my right. I went in and saw a big standing shower that could fit 2 people. I refreshed myself with warm water and relaxed as my thoughts were drifted away.
After the shower, i put on the clothes Jungkook lend to me and surprisingly the sweatpant fit. Unfortunately, the white shirt was a bit big so it hung against my small figure. I went back to the room and saw Jungkook wearing a black t-shirt and grey sweatpants. He was leaning on the bed on his phone.

Jungkook's Pov
I was using my phone when Jimin went in with the clothes i gave him. The big shirt i gave him was slightly too big that it hung all the way 'till his collarbones were exposed.
"By the way, should i sleep on the couch or a different room? I dont mind sleeping on the floor either." he said akwardly.
"Oh right. Here take my bed, I'll take the couch." i told him.
"N-No its your bed, i-i'm okay with the couch." he said slightly flustered.
"No just take my bed. It's more comfortable" i insisted.
After a while of insisting, Jimin said, " I don't mind if we sleep on the same bed. I mean if thats fine by you." so that was what we did.

Here's the next chapter. Sorry for the long update. By now i have no idea what I'm writing. Still.. Thanks for reading my story.

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