Segment Ten; 'Unleashed'

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'Sable's Pov'

New the scents were to her nostrils, her eyes restlessly looked all around her as she quickly moved without any restraint. This was not a cage, for this was freedom. Never had she experienced this before and she was enjoying it for what it was worth. Cool was the air upon her form, the feeling of the natural ground and earth was upon her feet which was different from the concrete flooring of the so many cages that she was held in.

Her mind was sent into overdrive for she was eager to explore all that was before her now. So intimidating her form was as her powerful tail maintained her balance.

She must run, to keep going!
Her mind roared for her to keep going, which in turn moved her further and further away from her captors.

It didn't take her long to enter the dense wild forest of the wilderness nearby either, for the trees and bushes hid her view from curious eyes. Everything was just so new to her, and she loved it.

Unbeknownst to her, she was actually starting to close in on a small neighborhood. Where people were living peacefully among themselves. Though, that peace would be ruined for she was moving in.

'Dr. Wu's Pov'

"I can not believe that you stopped me from killing her! I have told you time and time again that you can not control her!", hissed the man who created all of the creatures that had stalked the world in the once famous theme parks for all to see. However those times were long gone, and the dinosaurs were now living among the humans.

How did he know this?
Cause there had been sightings of the dinosaurs on American soil. There was even news about the first baby dinosaur to be born as well. He knew this, and was shaken up by it. But nothing would compare to the fear of his dangerous creation who now had free roam at this very moment. What he wanted to do now was capture her above all else before she causes more harm than good.

He knew how she acted just by observing her for so long, and he definitely knew that she loved killing humans far more so than any other creature. She was a literal danger to every little thing and she must be stopped. The only thing that was in his way unfortunately was this General. This power hungry man who would seriously do anything to have her, and would sacrifice everything in order to have her.

How corrupt this General was, that alone made Dr.Wu sick to his very core.

"Find her at once!", he demanded only then to be glared at by the man who had been holding him back and against his will.

"You don't give the orders around here.", spoke the words of a very controlling man. A man who had power and saw this creature as the world's most lethal weapon. "I will get her back and I will properly get her trained. She is far to important to just kill."

"Open your eyes! She is a weapon! A weapon in which no one can control or tame!", snarled Dr.Wu. He even met the glare of the General with his very own, not once did he look away either. This mans eyes did not compare to his creations eyes, for her eyes were far more terrifying. "She must be stopped!"

The both of them glared at each other now, the tension between them was very great. So great in fact that it made the surrounding area very suffocating.

Many people were moving about in which the General ordered, no doubt on the move to retrieve the hybrid who had just now escaped. The order had been given out earlier before the both of them got into a very serious discussion. Dr. Wu stood up for himself, and it was clear he meant business.

He was finally putting his need of money aside, after all money won't be any good to him if he was a dead man.

"Sir, the vehicle's are ready!", spoke a soldier who stood at the side of the General.

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