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I'm tired and I've lost motivation to write. I'm in a constant state of writers block and it doesn't seem to disappear. I have no more ideas. I'm sorry if an AU that you thought was interesting is never going to be continued. I'm sorry for leaving in such a short notice. I've grown tired of writing. I may come back sometime in the future. I'm putting this book to rest. Thank you for everyone who's voted and commented on this book. I'll see you sometime again in the future. 


Hey y'all, you may be confused as to why I said that I would be going away, then the next day I had posted again. I believe it wasn't because of loosing motivation to write, but rather loosing interest in the HermitCraft fandom altogether. I may come back to writing for the HermitCraft fandom. I just wanted to clear things up. Anyways, have a good day/night! 


A bunch of short HermitCraft Stories (cause it's very original)Where stories live. Discover now