Cliffhangers no more

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"The end of the world? What does that even mean?" Virgo asked.

Aries watched Geminis face as it contorted into different emotions, each more drastic than the precious one.

"It means nothingness. It means a blank, white slate. We don't know what happens to those who venture into there and we likely never will," Gemini explained. "The end of the world is where Fae send their traitors. I've never been this close to it until now. It's absolutely breathtaking."

Its not breathtaking, its terrifying, signed Aries, her eyes widening in fear.

"I thought you said that this world was a version of what was, as in a whole world," Virgo said. "Why isn't it?"

"We don't know," Gemini said. "The fae weren't trusted with the details. We weren't trusted with anything. The fairies lost all their records of it during the switch, or so they say. And we're the only races that were around long enough to remember. Most other races that had records were forced to leave them behind. Its one of history's greatest mysteries. That's why we call this World Folklore Forest. Because we're no more than that."

"Why are here then? We're supposed to be looking for the kids," Virgo asked in exasperation.

"The kids are fine," Gemini replied.

Aries cocked her head. "How do you know?"

"Cancer obviously wants a diverse group of kids, and as far as we know she's short a few kids. She doesn't have a fairy or a nymph. So as long as she doesn't get her hands on them, we're fine."

"Then why are we here?" Virgo pestered. She hadn't gotten a single straight answer from this girl since the moment she stepped foot in this forest.

"I'm looking for a way to banish Cancer," Gemini told them.

"How do you know that will work?" Aries asked, trying to use her tail strength to look into the void.

"It's where we used to banish traitors to the cause," Gemini told her. "The people who refused to obey Fae law."

"And you're sure it'll hold her?" Virgo asked.

Gemini was getting real sick of stupid questions. "Nobody's ever made it back from the void before."

"You are so dramatic, you have no evidence anything bad happens there," Virgo sighed.

"We have no reason to believe otherwise."


"What the fuck?"

"Oh, hey Sag. What is up? Why are you in the hideout hut?" Bobby asked, his legs moving around awkwardly as he looked for a way out.

"I was walking in the forest and I ran into it," Sagittarius said, staring at the bag of what he could only assume to be drugs in his hands. "Why are you here?"

"Libra had sent me and my new friend, Cassie, to get some ingredients from her home," Bobby said. "Libra helped save us from Cancer's wrath."

Libra ignored the conversation and rushed up to get the bag that was tightly held in Bobby's grip. "Thank you. Now we're just waiting on Devan and Capricorn with the nymph and witch blood."

Cassie said, "Be careful. Devan can And will turn Capricorn."

But Libra didn't hear her. Libra was much too busy unpacking the materials, putting them in to be stirred. She rushed around, gathering sifters and grinders and other materials.

Cassie watched in sadness. "Don't say I didn't warn you."

Sagittarius stood up. "Libra, what is going on? Why are the children here?"

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