A Fools Errand (Reprise)

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Capricorn woke with a start and glanced around, attempting to take in his surroundings. He let out a sigh -- he couldn't tell if it was of relief or not -- when he remembered he had crashed in Libra's hideout hut that night. He sat up, realizing that he had fallen asleep on the floor, and tried to recollect what had happened the night before. Libra had gotten married to Sagittarius. He and Cancer had figured out the key to saving everyone. He kissed Cancer. Gemini brought FaeShine--

Wait, fuck. Capricorn kissed Cancer. And then she bolted.

This complicates things, he was sure, but they also had much more pressing matters. Such as a collapsing magical world, for example. 

What he needed was a team, a group of people unstoppable in every way, shape, and form. The only problem was that the main people involved in these incidents all hated each other. He needed something new and fresh, but also old and solid. He needed to get the gang back together.

He needed Cassie out of juvie, Sarah out of the bay, Devan out of whatever hellhole she was hiding in, Angel out of her tree, and Bobby, who was the only one who stuck around. He supposed he also needed Libra and Cancer. He really was dreading talking to Cancer, and he was sure the feeling was mutual.


Cancer was on the verge of crying. She had been talking to Taurus all night and she still was afraid of catching a case from kissing Capricorn.

Taurus was tired of talking to her about it. Every couple of hours or so, Gemini would come by with more coffee for him. He was suspecting that she put some of her infamous faeshine in it, but at this point he couldn't care less.

"And-- and-- I let him! I hadn't even had faeshine at that point!" Cancer wailed, wiping her face of tears again and again. 

Taurus sighed, and finally, after 8 long hours, his patience snapped. "HE'S TWO YEARS YOUNGER THAN YOU, YOU WOULD HAVE BEEN IN HIGH SCHOOL TOGETHER, IT'S PROBABLY FINE."

Cancer sniffled. "I can't have him fall in love with me, fine or not. I can't condemn him to this life."

"What's so wrong with this life?" Gemini mumbled. "I love it here. Or I did before this bitch came crying--"

Taurus threw his shoe at Gemini, causing her to scowl and shut up. Taurus turned back to Cancer, a smile on his face.

"Look, love is like the flowers of the forest," Taurus began to say, gesturing to the field of flowers around them. "When a flower blooms, it is beautiful. Eventually, it'll wither and die, but all the beautiful things in it go into the ground or some other being and it continues to flow. Do you understand what I'm saying?"

"No, but it sounds wise," Cancer replied, her eyes blank but her head nodding.

Taurus sighed and shook his head. "Didn't you say you could save the forest? Go do that and figure out your love life later."

Cancer's eyes widened and she nodded. "I'll need Libra's help, and probably Capricorn's too."

Taurus saw her wince as Capricorn's name, but he needed sleep, so he decided to let her handle this next part best she could. Cancer stood up abruptly and decided to go find her BWF (best witch friend) and Capricorn. She mumbled a quick goodbye before making her way out of Fae territory. 

Gemini came back with a new cup of coffee for Taurus. She, too, had bags forming under her eyes.

"I change my mind. If she's gonna be bugging us every couple of nights, you can move out at your next convenience," Gemini said in a quiet and strained voice.

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