Enter Leo's Lawyer

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A group of 9 sat around a round table in Cancer's castle. All but Capricorn had arrived, but he was much more inclined to wallow in pity in the corner. However, the group had a pressing matter at hand. In order to truly unite the Fae and fairies, they had to bring Leo back to Fae land as an official member again.

Leo looked around the room, and sighed. "Let's get this over with. First off, I need a lawyer."

Taurus nodded. "Who was the lawyer the last time the Supreme Court came into play? It was a century ago, I believe."

Leo shook his head and looked down. "You won't like my answer, Taurus."

Taurus raised his eyebrows and looked at the eight others. "I still have to know it. Come on, Leo. Spill."

That's when a certain white haired Fae came bursting through the door in a custom made pantsuit. It was essentially a bralette with a blazer, with holes cut out for her wings, and pantsuit pants. She even wore high heels made out of acorns. For dramatic effect, she added sunglasses.

"What's up, bitches?" Gemini shouted to the group. "Lawyer in the house!"

Taurus squinted at Gemini. "How did you become a lawyer?"

Gemini fluttered onto Libra's shoulder. She smiled and shrugged. "Spite. But anyways, I won my last case and I can win this one. Fae are clever with words, and I'm one of the most infamous Fae there is. Plus, I look bomb in the pantsuit. You should know Taurus, you made it for me."

Sagittarius glanced over at his tiny friend. "You made Gemini a pantsuit?"

Taurus shrugged. "I also made her heels. I just thought she finally wanted to get into fashion. But where did the shirt go?"

Gemini shrugged. "I'm too hot for shirts. Anyways, we have a case to win. Each of you are my witnesses on why Leo and Aquarius should be together and why Leo should be a Fae."

Pisces glanced around the room. "I'm on the jury, Gem. I can't."

A glint arose in Gemini's eye. Her wings started to flutter and a devilish grin spread onto her face. Scorpio sniffed the air.

"Bewarned, weary traveler," Scorpio instructed. "A fae's deal has effects on even the most magical of souls."

Pisces glanced at Scorpio wearily, and then back at Gemini who's smile had only grown. Aries tugged on his dreads.

"I don't like this," Aries signed. "She looks evil."

Pisces looked at her and nodded. "I don't know what's happening. I've never seen Gemini like this before."

"I have," announced Scorpio. "When she was masquerading as my girlfriend, she often did this before making a deal."

Libra nodded and furrowed her eyebrows. "This is exactly what Devan did too."

Gemini flew up to Pisces and stuck out her hand. "What do you say, Pisces? Are you willing to make a deal with the devil."

"No," Pisces signed, with a decisive look on his face.

Aquarius frowned. "Do we have to use her for Leo's lawyer? Can't it be someone less corrupt?"

Libra sighed. "Welllllllll..."

All heads swerved to look at the girl who only bit her her lip. Leo looked at her for a way out.

"Cancer was the best debater at our school," Libra finished. "You know, before you kidnapped us."

Leo still seemed unsure. His options were flitting between the girl who tried to kill the forest and Gemini.

Gemini rolled her eyes. "Look, if I'm not your lawyer, I'll be on the jury with Pisces. I'll support you either way. Plus, if we get Aqua banned from the forest, that will be a nice plus."

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