The Research Pays Off

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Taurus dragged his bags into Gemini's home, who had already begun readying his room for him. She had stripped the room of any remnant of Leo that had previously remained and had taken it upon herself to make sure that Taurus would be comfortable, taking it as far as to stock her cupboards with common Pixie foods, which were not very tasteful to fae folk.

Gemini grabbed his bags and flew them up into his room, as he rushed up the stairs to meet her in there. She was quietly standing around, and waiting for him politely, which scared Taurus to his very core. Never once could he remember Gemini being both quiet and polite at the same time. And if she was either the former or latter, it was never for very long.

"Are you all good, Gem?" Taurus asked. Gem nodded and Taurus stepped away.

"I'm just happy to have a roommate," Gemini explained, a cheerful glint in her eye.

"Gem, this isn't permanent," Taurus reminded her. "Even if it was, I would die and you would only be seventeen. "

The smile on Gemini's face melted away almost immediately. She nodded and flitted around the room a bit before flying back downstairs, leaving Taurus alone to unpack. He watched as she stood there restlessly, jumping out of her own skin. He turned away and decided to begin unpacking, hanging all of his clothes up in his closet. He was almost done when Gemini came up to his room again.

"What do you want for lunch?" she asked.

Taurus shrugged. "Whatever you have on hand. Hey, are you doing okay? You've seemed stressed lately."

"You're Cancer's social worker, not mine," Gemini said with a scowl.

Taurus put his hands up as a motion of innocence, which caused Gemini to soften up a bit. Gemini huffed angrily.

"Leo's just decided to totally ditch me, so I'm upset, okay? Happy?" Gemini sneered at him.

Taurus nodded. "And you hate Aqua because of it."

Gemini nodded. "In a past life, maybe, Aquarius and I could have been friends. Not this one. They say Fae are thieves but we don't steal peoples best friends."

Taurus was about to bring up how kids have best friends too, but he decided to drop the subject for her benefit. "Leo is still your best friend, and you could always make more friends."

Gemini laughed, but when Taurus remained silent she stopped. "Oh, you're not joking?"

"Making new friends isn't hard."

"It is when you're immortal," Gemini argued. "People hold grudges."

"You don't," Taurus argued. "You don't hold shit against anyone."

"What's the point?" Gemini shouted. "What's the fucking point in holding grudges when the other person will just leave or forget about you anyways?"

"Eternity has ruined you," Taurus muttered.

Gemini shot him a glare. "Yeah, that's old news. I'm gonna make lunch."

Taurus nodded as she walked away into the kitchen.


Aries sat in a cauldron in Libra's hideout hut, watching as Libra fussed over every little detail. Libra was incessantly fixing her hair, and then her makeup, and finally her hair again in a never ending cycle that Aries had grown extremely tired of. Aries had badgered her on what the big deal was, but Libra remained stubbornly quiet about it.

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