The Metal Tree

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Previously, on Folklore...

..."Cap, we need your help to stop these cracks. We need ingredients for a potion that will temporarily bring back the dead," she said. Her pace was quick and suddenly her tone was solemn. "We need this quick before another crack comes and kills us all."...

...Sarah glanced at the mid day sky like it had more mysteries that Capricorn could ever comprehend. "My favorite theory is that when they sealed us in here, they cursed themselves as well to be amongst the stars. Now they watch over us and guide us to safety. But we don't have stars in this world. Still, it's nice to believe in."...

...Unlike the normal tree one would run into, it clanged. Like the sound of something hitting metal. After managing to get back on his feet, Sagittarius knocked on the tree. The sound echoed again. He knocked higher. It was wood. He knocked lower. More wood. But the dead center was metal...


When Bobby, Cass, and Capricorn found their way back to Libra's secret cottage Angel and Sarah were already there and they weren't happy. Angel had sting marks on her cheeks and Sarah had submerged herself under the water almost entirely, trying to readjust to the pressure. Capricorn frowned.

"What happened to you guys?"

Angel and Sarah gave him a simultaneous glare. Capricorn raised his hands in surrender and backed off. He decided to accept the fact that they were finally all reunited. Well, almost all of them. Devan was still off in the middle of nowhere.  

"I'm glad that you're all back, safe and sound," Libra said. She glanced at Angel and Sarah. "Well, almost sound."

Cancer nodded, quickly glancing away from them to stir the cauldron. "We just need to brew this as soon as possible. We are so close."

The kids all nodded, but looked with her in worry. 

Libra grabbed the ingredients and slowly began reading the instructions of the book to herself, quietly. Cass slid down from Capricorn's shoulders and grabbed some food without asking. She was starving for something that wasn't prison rations.

"Oh, man. I can't wait to go home," Cass said, grinning. "Taurus is going to be so hyped to see me. He did all he could to get me out of prison, but there was nothing he could do by then. The damage was done."

Every one stole glances at each other. Cass frowned.

"Is there something I don't know about?" Cass said carefully. She watched Sarah's face flicker into a glare.

"Yeah, Capricorn. Is there?" she asked, a edge to her voice that Capricorn hadn't heard before.

"The pixie village was a victim of the cracks," Capricorn told her in a soft voice. "I'm really sorry, Cass."

Tears started flowing from Cass's eyes. "What do you mean? Is everyone alright? What happened?"

"A crack opened up. Most of the pixies were saved by fae and fairies but not all of them made it.  Taurus is alright, so is most of west village. I am so sorry, Cass," Capricorn told her. 

Cass slumped and cried silently. Nobody could hug her. Nobody was small enough. Instead, they all just sat there watching her. 

Finally, Sarah spoke up. "This is all your fault, Capricorn. Everything was fine until you showed up. We're all dying because of you."

Bobby clenched his jaw. "Hey, his sister died too. This isn't his fault."

"Who cares?" Angel interrupted. "We would have all killed each other anyways. At least this way we all go down together."

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