The Lovesick One

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A brand burst of smoke appeared and the girls were flung back. A face came out of the flames, that of Taurus'. It spoke in a terrible, raspy old voice.

"Beware the Fae that never lies.
A fae that lies, is not wise.
But the truthful Fae is the worst of all.
The truthful one will be your fall."

Taurus' face disappeared to reveal Gemini's ascending from the flames.

"Beware the ones with many eyes.
The one who knows all, will always try
To tear apart ones heartsick soul
Their song will lure you away from the goal."

Finally, that of a familiar pixie girl showed up in the smoke. The girl in which Capricorn had been captivated with, Cassie.

"Pray for the one who calls you friend.
Your well being, the one may tend.
But balance is never in control,
Of those whose heads will be hung on a pole."

The smoke disappeared and they all took a deep breath.

"Wow," Cancer said. "That was some Macbeth type shit."

"What the fuck did that mean?" Virgo asked, her hands trembling as they pushed her up.

"Well, Macbeth tried to analyze it but he ultimately died, so maybe we should just let it unfold on its own," Cancer suggested, cleaning up the cauldron.

"Beware the Fae that never lies?" Libra muttered, disregarding what Cancer had said entirely. "But Fae never lie."

"Everybody lies, Libra," Cancer reminded her, tucking her hair behind her ear. "I should know that better than anyone. Especially boys who tell you they love you."

Libra sighed and shook her head. "Well, Leo's always preaching about honesty being the best policy."

Virgo glanced outside and then back at the two other girls. "Yeah, but rumor has it he's been disowned from the Fae community. Y'know, because of Aqua."

"Aww, poor Leo," Libra sympathized. She folded her arms tightly around her stomach. "He's still technically born a Fae, though."

Cancer nodded and leaned on the cauldron. "But Gemini is the most infamous Fae in the forest. Her deals have ruined many mortal lives, not to mention forest ones."

"Yeah, but even Gemini has some shred of a heart," Virgo admitted, before drowning and recalling getting kidnapped. "Then again, she did steal me and my brother."

"So, it's either Leo or Gemini?" Cancer said. "That doesn't seem right. What about the rest of the Fae?"

"Most of them don't have enough war involvement or leadership in the forest to betray I us, I think," Libra said. "Leo and Gemini are the only ones with any forest status. They're the ones we can either trust with our lives or not."

Virgo nodded. "I agree. What about the second part? The one with the eyes and song?"

"The song part is almost definitely Scorpio. She's one of few sirens here in the forest," Cancer pointed out.

"And she did mention during the war that she had fish spies spying on you," Libra remembered, before realizing that Cancer was in the room. "Oh, sorry."

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