CHAPTER TWELVE: A is for Africa

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The next day went by and I didn't hear anything from Nenye about the video. On Saturday she went to Vicky's house and stayed there the whole day. I didn't bother to ask why I already knew the reason.

Meanwhile, my parents were not talking to each other. I don't know if it was because I was very observant but it seemed like I was the only person that had noticed out of my siblings.

On Sunday after church service, I went to the church canteen to buy a bottle of water. Our church canteen was actually just a small room with some tables and chairs where people could eat and relax.

The woman there handed me the bottle and I gave her a two hundred naira note which she exchanged for a one hundred naira note.

I smiled and said thank you then walked out of the canteen with my change in my hand.

Outside was hot, Abuja's sun could be very harsh sometimes. I almost wished that I had a pair of shades with me because the sunlight was entering my eyes.

"Hey, Nigerian girl." I turned at the sound of Chidindu's voice.

He had a slight smile on his face.

"Why are you squinting?" He asked.

"The sun is too bright, it's getting into my eyes," I said and looked him up and down. He looked different in his fitted black long sleeve shirt and black trousers.

"Are you checking me out?"

I laughed and said. "No, I was just looking at something."

We started walking together to the parking lot.

"Yeah, right."

I rolled my eyes at him and said. "You just look different."

"How different."

"For one, you look slimmer without your school uniform."

"Are you saying that my uniform makes me look fat?" He acted like he was offended.

I nodded and he acted like he had just been shot on his heart.

"You wound me." He smiled.

When we got to the car I opened it and sat down at the backseat. He stood quietly at the door as if he was guarding it.

"You should come in, the sun is too hot for you to be standing under it like that."

He walked to the other side and I open the door for him.

"So did you tell Vicky about the video?"

"I couldn't, she didn't let me, what about you?"

I wanted to ask how she didn't let him but thought about it and remembered that Vicky didn't like Chidindu.

"I didn't have to, she already knew and it turns out that it's a girl behind it all."

"Hmm." He said lost in thought.

He was resting on the chair behind him and looking outside. A group of children passed by, laughing and joking with amongst themselves. I watched a small smile form on his face as he watched them and I couldn't help but smile at that.

He suddenly turned to me and I smiled sheepishly. He arched his brow at me and said, "You know if you keep staring at me like that, it's going to send the wrong signals that you like me."

"I don't!" I shouted immediately.

"I never said you did." He laughed.

"I was just wondering..."

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