Part 8

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Chapter 7

"Hiccup now is not the time for sarcasm!" Astrid growled. "We have to dismantle this bucket of bolts first."

"Your name is Hiccup?!" The redhead asked with wide eyes.

"Yeah......." Hiccup mumbled, somewhat distracted. "You got a problem with my name?"

"No....." The mysterious red-headed man uttered. "It's just......... I expected you to be........... More imposing."

"Huh?" Hiccup muttered before Johann let out a vicious laugh.

"You lot, dismantle me?!" Johann asked incredulously. "If even one of you moves towards me I will release the poison gas onto your friends." The AI then warned.

"Good thing we don't need to move towards you," Hiccup said as he grabbed the cylinder attached to his hip and pushed a button. Suddenly the hub containing the AI went dark. "Astrid, 20 seconds!" Hiccup shouted.

"Got it!" Astrid replied while grabbing her hatchet. She started slamming the blade into the hub's hard drives, effectively making minced meat out of the things.

"The hell just happened?!" The redhead asked as he looked between Astrid who was hacking away with what could only be described as gusto and Hiccup who looked completely innocent. "What did you do?!"

"EMP grenade," Hiccup wiggled the canister. "Good for one use but it can knock out any electronic device in a three-mile radius without hurting humans."

The redhead blinked as he stared at the canister. "Where did you even get that?"

"I......... made it......" Hiccup answered tentatively as he saw the incredulous stare of the stranger.

"I think I did it!" Astrid proclaimed proudly as she stepped back to show the guys the mangled hard drives. There wasn't much left except for open wires that could become a fire hazard. After the twenty second mark when Johann didn't come online anymore the group let out a collective breath.

"Well, that was anticlimactic," The redhead muttered. Astrid slammed her axe into several more consoles just to make sure the job was done thoroughly before she turned back to Hiccup.

"So how do we get out of here?" She asked with a frown. "I doubt those automatic doors work now."

Hiccup merely pointed upwards to the hole in the roof where the sand was coming down from. "Oh, you have got to be kidding me," Astrid groaned.

"I doubt dad's going to be happy if he has to come to get us, especially since that EMP blast would have knocked out Arcadia's systems as well and probably scrambled some files." Hiccup said as he too looked at the hole.

"It scrambled my systems?!" Astrid shrieked. Even after two years as a human she still often thought of that computer system as hers. Hiccup couldn't blame her for that. It was a tough transition.

"It's why the EMP was plan C," Hiccup mumbled. "Look, if we build a pyramid we can get out of here easy. Much better than having my dad come busting through the door with weapons drawn."

Astrid pursed her lips. She loved Stoick, he was as much of a father to her as he was to Hiccup but he did tend to get somewhat trigger happy. "Right,... you get on his shoulders and I get on yours." She agreed.

"Wait, don't I get a say in this?" The other guy asked.

"Do you want to become a strainer when our people burst in here? No? Then chop-chop mystery man!" Astrid clapped her hands.

"I'm not a mystery man!" The redhead groaned but still got in position. He outstretched his hands so that Hiccup could climb up. "My name is Hookfang. I'm part of The Dragons."

"Oh, so that's how you met Hookfang!" Dagur interrupted once again. "I'd been wondering about th-OUCH!"

"What did I tell you about talking through the story!" Heather smacked her brother upside the head while admonishing him. "You do this every time. EVERY TIME!"

"It wasn't one of my best moments I'll admit," Hookfang groaned while Meatlug was on the ground laughing. He bit into a meat skewer while somewhat pouting. "Was there a reason why you had to include this part in your story Hiccup?"

"Just context....." Hiccup innocently chirped.

"Just context he says," Stormfly was also laughing. "I think he's getting you back for stealing his clothes while he was in the shower last week,"

"Some of us enjoyed the view though," Astrid proclaimed and then winked at Hiccup who's blush could be seen even in the dim lighting.

"Wait, you aren't gonna tell them the next part are you?!" Hookfang asked somewhat urgently.

------------Flashback continued-------

"Will you hold still?!" Astrid growled as she had a handful of Hiccup's hair in one hand. Her other hand was on Hiccup's shoulder while one of her feet was on Hookfang's shoulder as she tried to climb up.

"I AM TRYING!" Hookfang grounded out as he held onto Hiccup who was balancing on his shoulders already. "It's not like you're exactly light!"

"Did you just call me fat!" Astrid shouted.

"No! No, he didn't!" Hiccup quickly shouted as he wobbled. "Look, we're almost there. Astrid you just need to get on my shoulders so we can climb up."

"I know that Hiccup!" Astrid said while Hookfang let out an ouch as her foot met his face.

"Oh..... gods....." Hookfang gasped out. "Just how did I get myself into this.........." Astrid's climbing was causing the already two-man tower to wobble.

"My shoulders are about to give out!" Hookfang warned. "I don't think I can support this much wei-AAAAHHH!" Just as he said that the wobbly pyramid came toppling down. A puff of sand was launched into the air around where the trio crashed. Astrid was somewhat tangled up with Hiccup while both landed on Hookfang who ended up face down in the dirt.

"Why did I ever listen to Toothless?" Hookfang groaned.

"You know Toothless?!" Hiccup perked up.

"Of course I know Toothless. Why do you think I'm here?!" Hookfang muttered. "Now can both of you get off of me?!"

"Oye! You three down there!" A voice called out after Astrid and Hiccup had scrambled off of Hookfang. The trio looked up to see a platinum blond woman sporting a pixie cut looking down at them from the hole. "Need a hand?"

"Yes!" Hiccup and Astrid shouted while Hookfang shouted "No!"

"Harriet, don't be such a prune!" The blonde admonished.

"Stormfly send you after me didn't she?!" Hookfang asked and then shouted "AND DON'T CALL ME HARRIET!"

"Your real name is Harriet?" Astrid blinked curiously as she asked that. Hookfang merely groaned.

"Stormfly was pretty sure you would get lost again," The woman, Windshear, laughed. "Looks like she was right."

"This is like a nightmare," Hookfang groaned while Windshear told them she'd get the rope.

AN: So for the last 2 weeks I've had flu, a fever and a middle ear infection from that fever. Which totally and I mean totally sucks. October/November is usually the months I get sick and for the rest of the year I'm perfectly fine. But I'm all better now so It's back to writing. Stay tuned for the up and coming Halloween oneshot. 

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