Chapter 10: Mysterious Glow

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"What did you want to show us Kaiko?"
Will asked as he came into the room with Odette behind him gesturing to the screen.

The kids had gone off into their room after Kaiko had sorted out Ant's and Madeline's argument as she got annoyed of the two.

"Nereus here also has something to see" Kaiko said swiping from her control panel as the video appeared in front of them on the big screen.

It was the footage she had caught with the outside cameras appeared on the big screen as Odette, Will and Nereus watched it carefully.

"Nereus so you can't remember any of this?" Odette asked towards the end of the video turning to Nereus who for once was also confused his mouth open.

"I..I don't remember" he stuttered "I mean I think I remember small parts of it but not everything"

"Nereus, Finn said you were saying some weird things whilst you were passed out. Knowing you those must be the reason you came here" Kaiko said turning away from the screen pausing the video as she glanced over to Will who was deep in thought then back to Nereus.

"I.. I really don't know" he said "it was something about the empheychron, yes about the empheychron!" He said looking up from the floor meeting the adults gazes, a small smile forming on his face.

"The empheychron?" Will questioned walking towards it as he picked it up from the pedestal carefully.

"Whatever it is, Alpheus knows" Odette interrupted looking out at the ocean.

"Finn, what is in the box?" Fontaine questioned as she shut the door behind them watching him suspiciously.

"Something" he replied as he sat down and began to open it.

"Look Finn even you are acting weird like Nereus and it is never good to be acting weird especially like Nereus. Your not telling me anything"

"I think it's a diary" Finn said ignoring Fontaine's comment as he took out the book and held it gently in his hands.

"The diary you were talking about before. Where did you find it?" Fontaine asked suprised as he began opening the book reading examining it carefully.

"Near that shipwreck, you were saying it was Lemurian. I heard about it in here" Finn replied not looking up from the book staring at it intently

Fontaine took the book from him and held it up so she could read it and was surprised when she glanced at the pages..

"You can read this?" She asked pointing to the pages turning her head towards Finn.

"Oh no, some of it written in English, look" he said standing up as he turned a couple of pages towards the back, "it mentions a bit about Lemuria I guess but also about a Queen"

"A Queen, Queen Doreus?" Fontaine questioned her attention turning to the pages.

"I don't know, the ink has smudged a lot, I could barely read some of it"

"We need to show Dad and your cut to Mom" Fontaine said standing up as she saw the cut on his upper arm, half hidden by his clothes.

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