Spooky Tag 0.0

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First of all Happy Halloween!

I've been tagged by GrEg_the_spooky_boo (who is, by the way, an amazing human being) and this is better than school so I'm doing this...

1. What's your favourite costume of all for Halloween that you've worn?

It was this time I dressed up as Harley Quinn, it was pretty good.

2. Until what age did you trick or treat?

Uhhhh I still do...

3. What is your favourite Halloween Candy?

Can't decide :/

4. Do you like Horror Films? Which one is your favourite?

Yea, I like them and Scream's my favourite

5. What is your favourite Halloween song?

Ghost town by Adam Lambert

6. Have you ever used an Ouija board?

Nope :(

7. What's the creepiest thing that's ever happened to you?

So this was actually pretty recent, My family and I moved into a new huge house. So just a week ago my parents left me home alone for the night and said they would come back the next morning and so they took my sister with them. After they left I was doing things that people do when they are left alone. Fast forward to 3 am I was still up watching TV in the living room when I heard my garage door open and I was sitting in the dark so I literally hid behind the sofa. That very moment my room door slam shut but I didn't scream. 10 minutes later the garage door closes and I hid in my room with my phone till morning :)

8. Do you believe in Supernatural

Yea I guess

9. Are you superstitious?

A little bit

10. Have you ever played Bloody Mary?

Plenty of times :)

11. What's your favourite Halloween legend?

Don't know any...

12. Have you ever been to a Bonfire?


13. Do you prefer gory films or thrillers?


14. Do you believe in demons?

y e s

15. Have you ever watched supernatural explorer shows?


16. What's your favourite horror book?

Never read one actually

17. Would you spend the night in a Haunted house?

Yea sure but not alone

18. Would/have you ever take part in a seance?

n o

19. You are alone in your house and hear footsteps downstairs. What do you do?

First of all, I'm probably doing weird shit so I wouldn't be able to hear it

But supposedly if I did, I'd grab a kitchen knife, keep emergency call ready and slowly sneak down to find out who that was.

20. If you had a demon haunting you, what would it do?

Probably help me snitch on my enemies, give me bad advice, basically make me do stupid things and every now and then a jumpscare

21. What do you usually do on Halloween?

Still, a young kid so I trick or treat :D

22.  What are you dressing up as this year for Halloween?

Feelin lazy and simple, a black cat

23. If you could choose a familiar, what would it be?

A Cat or Owl

24. Can you sleep well after watching something scary?

I can sleep but not a good sleep

25. Who's your favourite Monster?

I honestly don't know...

26. Tell us about a time you scared someone really badly?

So I have a friend who literally hates horror so it was around 10 pm and she went to grab snacks for both of us. It was almost time for bed so the light was off and I hid under the bed. She came back into the room and started looking for me so she looked under the bed and I just screamed in her face "Boo!" she screamed so loud oh my gosh

27. Your being chased out of your house by a murderer. What do you take with you?

Probably a coat or jacket

28.  Tell us how you're celebrating Halloween this year?

Trick or treat and watching a Horror movie oh and studying for my exam ;-:


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