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Here we go again

Shotgun_Dominates tagged me haha

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Shotgun_Dominates tagged me haha

10 things bout myself? This is gonna be hard.

1. I have just hit 50 followers :)

2. I've lost my motivation somewhere and Im rn lookin for it

3. I mainly speak abbrievation online an irl

4. I'm fuckin addicted to music, like ot ain't a normal addiction

5. Might as well come out rn, I'm bi
Unless you already knew by readin my bio hehe

6. I swear...like a lot but you probs already knew that

7. I'm currently tired af but dont even wanna sleep

8. I'm an ambivert

9. The type of music I listen to is rap and then completely aesthetic

10. I usually make a lot of typos

These were the best facts I could think of myself :/

28 people!?!?!
Nah, I'm too busy lookin for my motivation to tag some ppl
Whoever's readin this, you're tagged

A joke? Mmmm how about
my existence

A spoiler from the current book im writin is that...a specific sister is gonna die.

Okay here are the rules for the tag

-Mention who tagged you
-Do it in less than 3 days
-Say 10 things about urself
-Tag 28 ppl
-Tell a joke
-Write a spoiler for one of your stories
-Then put these rules

Have fun
~Bye incasts :)

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