Cʜʀɪsᴛᴍᴀs ᴛᴀɢ

50 4 22

Tagged by Musa_Nova and mom-its-not-a-phase

Let's get this over and done with!

1. How do you celebrate christmas?
Our family usually sets up a tree and put on some carols and then we have a christmas dinner, nothin more than that really :/

2. How are you spending christmas?
I'm on a holiday so...

3. Are you good at buying gifts for others?
Depends on the person

4. Most memorable christmas memory?
This happened when I was seven. My family was going through dark times so I was forced to sleep at a friends house with my mum. Fast forward to 4 am on Christmas morning and my friend and I got up, opened our gifts abd hid her brother's gift somewhere, he cried when he couldn't find his gift :/

5. How did you spend last christmas?

6. On Christmas eve, what did you leave out for Santa?
Cookies and Milk

7. Fav christmas movie? Elf

8. Song? All I want for christmas is you - Mariah Carey

9. What do you eat on Christmas?
Anythin really

10. Traditons?

11. Jumpers?

12. In your culture, what day do ypu recieve Christmas gifts?
Christmas day

13. Show us your christmas decorations?

14. Do you like eggnog?
Never had it before

15. Have you visited the north pole?

16. What's your favourite present you got on christmas?
A bunch of roller blades i got a few years ago

17. Have you ever gone Christmas caroling? Nope

18. Have you ever built a gingerbread house? Yes i have

19. Name Santa's reindeer.
Mkay, Dancer, dasher, prancer, vixen, blitzen, comet, Cupid, Conner and that's all i remember

20. Finish the elf quote, "The best way to spread Christmas cheer is..." singing loud for all to hear.

21. Worst christmas present?

22. Fav Christmas food?
Christmas pudding

23. Make a noise to show your christmas spirit!
I'm rather tired so have a happy christmas and a merry new year!

24. Is your christmas tree real or fake? We didn't put one up this year so non-existent

25. Have you ever built a snowman?
It doesn't snow here ;(

26. Who cooks the christmas meal?

27. What gifts do you want for Christmas next year?
Don't really know yet

28. Giving or recieving gifts on Christmas? Both

29. Favourite thing about Christmas?
The happiness on everyone's faces

30. Have you ever celebrated christmas in another culture?

31. What makes christmas special for you? Family

32. What would be your dream place to celebrate christmas? A place where it snows please

33. Who are you spending christmas this year with? Family

34. Are you a last minute shopper or organized? Last minute

35. What's your one christmas wish?
A sense of belonging, i dont wanna constantly be running around to find where i belong

Not in the mood to tag

𝑯𝒂𝒗𝒆 𝒂 𝑴𝒆𝒓𝒓𝒚 𝑪𝒉𝒓𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒎𝒂𝒔 𝒇𝒐𝒍𝒌𝒔!

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