oop, we have another tag-

31 4 6

Okay so I got tagged by GrEg_the_Second_Bro and i'm bored in quarantine so lets do thisss.

1. Face reveal?

Yeahhhhhh, Nah

2. Where do I want to travel?

To be honest I'm not big on travelling as I used to be but in sometime in future, I'd like to go to France

3. Last movie I saw?

Me and my fam rewatched Matilda for like...the 10th time

4. Age?


5. Pets?

Sadly none, I'm not allowed to have pets :(

6. Shoe size?

Why would you need to know my shoe size????

7. Girl BFF?

Depends if you're talking bout online or irl, Online idk and irl...I'm keeping that secret.

8. Guy BFF?

Same as the question above

9. What was my last dream about?

I don't remember :/

10. Specs/Glasses?

I wear glasses, like almost 24/7

And that's it! If you're reading this, you're tagged!


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