Wattpad isnt being cooperative

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Im sorry, those of you who read this tag book, spread awareness from here.

Hi everyone. Please take a couple of minutes and out of your day to sign this petition.


For context, George Floyd, an innocent African American was on the ground pinned by two white policeman who had their knees pressing into his neck. He stopped breathing.

He is now dead.

This is absolutely disgusting behaviour and although bystanders asked policemen to stop they simply did not. Its fucking atrocious that people still have the mentality of the 1970s.

The policemen were merely fired and not given proper punishment for their crimed. Please! Sign this petition to show black lives matter. To show justice for the innocent man George Floyd.

Sign the petition and spread awareness, COLOUR OF SKIN SHOULDNT BE A FUCKING PROBLEM ANYMORE.

Thank you, bye <3

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