I should've done this tag before but oh well

26 2 7

I got tagged by Musa_Nova and sarcastic_ethan and maybe one more person, I can't remeber :/

Here we gooooo

1. Your zodiac?
I'm an Aries

2. Eye colour?
Uhhh brown I'm sure

3. Hair colour?
Dark brown

4. Favourite song (5)?
Cup of Coffee - lofi remix by bearbare
Let me go - NF
Mount Everest - Labrinth
Falling - (blackbear remix)
Can we kiss forever? - Kina, Adriana Proenzo

Half of these will change by tomorrow lmao

5. Favourite Zodiac ship?
I personally love Aries x Leo and cool with a lot of the other ships just no Scorpio x Pisces shit...please

6. Favourite colour?
Cherry Red!

7. Favourite food?
I'm not too sure, I'll just go with sticky date pudding

8. Favourute drink?
S p r i t e

9. Timezone?
I think it's GMT 10+ or however you word it but If i got that wrong, It's an Australian timezone.

10. Tag 10 people?
n o, you can do the tag if you want tho

And that's it so see y'all later
~ Byeeee

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