I have been le tagged

51 4 19

The title says it all, although I didn't think it'd happen again, oh well.

The title says it all, although I didn't think it'd happen again, oh well

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1. So I have 2 nicknames but I'm only revealing the one I like
- Expresso

2. I have brown eyes

3. Dark brown

4. A fact??? Idk really

5. Cherry red

6. My bedroom or the train ride between home and school

7. So many I can't choose

8. Horses

9. Right now it's Dear Winter by AJR

10. I only read e-books

And I'm done! Now to torture these kids :D






I'm too lonely to tag 20 people ;-;

Ignore the fact that I have 40 followers

Also, you don't have to do this tag if you don't want to, this is optional.

Bye for now!

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