This...this is trash

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So like I wanna rant of how messed up my life is but like I also...cant?

Like don't get me wrong, I absolutely love everyone!

Almost everyone...

But I'm like so sick of my existence, I mean is that even possible?

And yes I actually had a pleasant day yet I'm still like this, why?  Like, people, I know IRL will give me advice on how to like keep calm and sane and I would actually try doing it but what they don't get is that it doesn't work. 

There was one time where I had a friend of mine who I opened up to and she told me to meditate and like do some breathing exercise multiple times so I actually straight-up tried it but my body simply wouldn't cooperate and it would NOT SIT STILL. So I told them the result of my try and they're like 

"yOu'RE dOiNg It AlL wRoNg"


I just wanna scream in their face that I have in fact done what they said but uhh I get too tired to snap like that so I just said "Oof okay thanks anyway" and left haha, what an unnecessary story. 

And there's something so ridiculous about this situation. It's that my reaction to my life is completely bipolar. Like I wanna laugh about it but then scream...wat? It's funny yet

Oh yeah, uh sorry for ranting there, I felt like I need to get that off my chest. Sorry, you had to read that haha.

I'll be leaving now

Bye <3

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