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I've wanted to write this rant for days now, but I found no time. 

I am genuinely scared.

These fires are getting seriously out of hand. A normal bushfire season is also dangerous but this one is very chaotic and much more deadly.

Wildlife is at danger of extinction and oh my gosh my yt reccomendations are filled with bushfire vids, I didn't really wanna see them because that would only make me upset but tonight I decided to watch a few, and it was absolutely horrifying, there was footage of koalas going into fires looking for food and its heartbreaking cuz most wildlife died that way.

So many hectares are burnt, I even end up catching myself touching burnt leaves and it takes me like an hour after to realize it was burnt. So many homes lost and over 27 people dead. Every time we watch the news its always about a huge fire threat.

Honestly, well done to these firefighters, they're up day and night fighting to end these fires and they survive on low funding. Some of them die in their job and it's upsetting, they do so much for this country it's amazing. Tbh, I now see more fire trucks than ambulances and police cars.

The people of Australia are really strong to go through this as well. Volunteer firefighters, people with a loss of homes, the people in the protest, like everyone in Australia is great
Except the government

Fuck the government.

Even with all these donations and helpers, it still doesn't remove my fear.

I wake up in polluted air, and I even see kids younger than me wearing a smoke masks. I don't see the blue sky anymore and I have no hope in rain. My state is on level 2 water restrictions. There's fires always in my area.

I tell people im used to it but im not, I don't like it, I've never experienced being this close to danger...or maybe I have but just don't remember, anyway, not thus long lasting. I'm getting sleepless nights for the fear I'd wake up to my house burning.

I'm very clumsy so I don't even think about touching candles my mum has lit
(Due to religious reasons) for the fear of me setting the house on fire. I mean its 3 am right now and im up and uhh was cryin about how scary this all is.

I think someone needs to help me settle down.

Also I didn't expect this to be a long rant, guess I had a lot to say haha, okay I'll back to panicking now, bye <3

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