HEY! HEY! HEY! We have another tag!

37 6 16

Okayyy so I got tagged by GrEg_the_Second_Bro and sarcastic_ethan so lets do this!

1. Outcast is all you're getting. The end.

2. Yeah, I like dancing, listening to music, every now and then drawing and a couple of other small things

3. Uhh I have quite alot but currently its  Okay by Chase Atlantic

4. Photo of something priv, not gonna share

5. Yes, freedom please and thank you

6. When do I ever sleep well?

7. I know quite a lot of people but have 3 close friends and online...can't be bothered to count

8. Its eh really

9. Science

10. Australia :)

11. Mixed feelings

12. Physically: yeah might be
Mentally: fuck no

13. I dunno you tell me

14. Yeah I do! I love NF, Chase Atlantic, The Neighbourhood, Melanie Martinez and Alec Benjamin

15. Yes, 1 lil sis

16. Yea I can decently draw

17. What value does this info have to you?

18. No, unless you count fictional characters

19. Single pringle

20. Uhhh I dunno

If you're reading this your tagged cuz my lazy ass cant bother writing out users :D
Byeeeeee <3

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