I am so pissed and confused

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Yes, another rant  -_-

So basically I'm pissed rn and I'm also very confused at the same person. 

This person is my ex-best friend.

So recently I lost one of my best friends and I don't even know why she had explained to me that she felt unimportant and that's literally the most incorrect shit I've heard all year because she'd always be one of my top priorities and the fact that she even knew that she was at top just pisses me off.

Anyways, she left and it broke me a lot because along with her leave, she had broken a lot of promises. It's been around 15 days without her and I'm still like crying over her but then at the same time I hate her and that's where my first confusion comes in. There always like 2 questions going through my head,

Do I want her back or am I better off without her?

Likes seeing her makes me wanna leave but then I go home and start...crying?

Now the second reason on why I'm confused is because...

up until today, she's been treating me like I'm some kind of terrorist, she's been avoiding me and not talking to me, she treats me as...well an outcast and then today, she had the guts to come up and talk to me, give me a compliment, remind me of some old memories, be NICE to me. I mean what happened to me being a toxic friend huh? What happened to me being a bad influence on everyone? Yes, she actually thought that of me, she herself said it.

but yeah, why the sudden KINDNESS


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