69 - c a l l

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bold = Faye
italics = Chris


Hey, boo.

How was the interview?

It was...fantastic. It
was the first interview
I've ever been to where
they didn't ask about a
boyfriend or an ex or
{mockingly} what do I
look for in a man?

{laughs} Well, I'm glad
you enjoyed it. Are we still
on for lunch?

Yes, I'm walking towards
the place now.

Sorry, I would have
picked you up but I
was at a meeting.

It's okay, babe!

You know, I was thinking
that when you're done
touring maybe we could go
away. Maybe to the Maldives
or {clears throat} something.

Uh, yeah, sure. But
I wanna spend a little
down time at home
before I do anything
else. Also, Gemma's
planning her launch
sometime next summer,
so the whole years pretty
packed {trails off}

Right, yeah. But, I'm
sure we could still find
maybe a week in between
those days. I just wanna do
something special for you,
seeing how most of this
relationship is long distance.

Aw, you're so sweet
{car honks} Oh, shit! I
nearly died {laughs}.
Yeah, we will {deep,
hesitant breath} definitely
go to a romantic
getaway, somewhere.

Oh, my god. Are you
okay? Did you nearly
just get hit by a car?

Yes, it was crazy, my
anxiety is sky high
right now. Uhhhh,
Jesus, I'm sorry. {faster
breathing} I'll be there
in like five minutes.

Are you okay?

Yes, I'll see you soon, love.

{worriedly} I love you.

{hesitant} I love you.

Guys, I'm so sad. I just finished writing out the final five chapters of this story. There will be a book 2, after I'm done publishing maybe another story or two. Maybe I'll publish 2 stories at the same time idk yet. But in six short days, this story will be over, and then I may not post another story until after the 15th of June (when my exams are officially over). Or, I may post stories as a way of procrastination lmao.

Thanks for reaching :)

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