Woozi's Pov

Someone likes Y/n too? Who could it be.

Seungcheol? Ehhh. Jeonghan? I don't think so. Joshua? Hell no.
Probably not Jun and Hoshi.

Wonwoo and Minghao. Ehhhh.. no. Definitely not Mingyu, Seokmin, Seungkwan, Vernon and Chan. 

I dont know. It could be anyone.

I need to make a move soon.

Y/N's Pov

"Yah, Y/n. Why didn't you tell us" Hyeongjun pout. "From now on, if anything happened, tell us." Dohyon said and continue stuffing food into his mouth.

"Fine. I'm sorry" i look down and play with my fingers. "So he likes you?" Yohan ask confused "i don't know"

Then Wooseok hug me from the back. "Yahhh wh-" "Shh. He's looking. I want to see his reaction"

I look over at Woozi and he is looking at me. He looks like he's...

Glaring? At Wooseok?

Woozi's Pov

I glare at Y/n's friend as he hug her.What does he want. 

Wooseok smirk.



I look over at y/n and her face is as red as a tomato. Does she has a crush? Someone confessed to her?

I took out my phone and text Y/n.

Woozi: what was that about?

Y/N: idk

Woozi: Daughter?

Y/N: oh he said he "adopted" me last year so he's basically my mum.

Woozi: mum? Why??

Y/N: i dont effing know

I chuckle at her respond and look at her. She's looking at me too, she chuckle, making my heart melt.

Y/N: I think we can be bff now :P

Woozi: yeah

I wish we can be more than best friend.

"Woozi-ah. If you don't make a move soon, I'll take her." Hoshi laugh and the others join when they saw my face is red.

"Not funny" I hit his shoulder softly.(uwu soft)

*Time skip*
*school ends*

Finally, I've been waiting for this moment. I pull out my phone and text Y/n.

Woozi: hey where are you

Y/N: why

Woozi: lets walk home together.

Y/N: look up

I raise my head up and Y/N is standing right infront of me.

"YAHH! YOU SCARED ME." i scream and Y/n laugh. "Let's go." She tug my sleeve.

We walk out of the school and i can hear my friends 'woo' me from the distance.

*Time skip*

We walk while chatting then Y/n stop infront a bakery. "Do you want to buy something?" Y/n nodded.

"I want to buy something for my mum" she pulls my hand and went inside the bakery.

She picked a couple of things and went to the counter. "Do you want me to pay it for you?" I whispers.

"No its oka-" she search for her wallet but she can't find it. "Uhhh..."

I chuckle and pay it for her. "I promise I'll pay you back." Y/n said. "It's okay. Its my treat."

Y/n smile.

Well that melts my heart.

A/n: Ya ya ya

The enddddd......

Jk lmao
To be continued.....

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