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Okay so here is the first part I hope you guys like it! Please vote and let me know what you think. Thanks for reading!

"Oh Sadie! How are you doing dear? It's been too long since we've seen you around here." Mrs. Brandon, a small, warm woman, rushes to give me a big hug. My chest fills with love as my second mother pulls me into her arms for the first time in months.

"I'm doing good, thank you. Yeah, I've been loving my classes. I'm really loving anatomy, but I've just always loved learning about the body. It's so crazy being on my own for the first time. How have you been?" I slip my shoes off and leave them by the front door before walking into the living room where Naomi and I used to build forts and watch Disney movies all day, where we would cram for the SAT, where we would play board games with her brothers and their friends.

"Well I'm so happy to hear that. I've been doing good thank you, dear. Mr. Brandon and I have been able to go on dates now that the kids are out of the house," she blushes slightly before continuing, "Naomi and Ro will be home any second; I sent them out to get some food because we certainly don't have enough for this weekend with all of you kids home, tsk." Mrs. Brandon begins to bustle about the kitchen while my heart stutters.

"Sounds good. Thank you so much for having me. Do you mind if I go put some of my stuff in Naomi's room?"

"No, no we always love to have you here. Oh honey of course."

Just being back in this house brings back so many memories. I practically grew up in this house, countless sleep overs with my best friend in the whole world. Naomi and I met freshman year of high school when we played on the same club volleyball team and have been inseparable ever since. For so many years she was my escape from reality. It has been months since I've seen Naomi and I desperately miss her. Though I have been making friends at Michigan, I still need my best friend. While I committed to University of Michigan for nursing, Naomi decided to study engineering at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, effectively separating us not only from each other but also from our home town of Beaufort, South Carolina.

Setting my stuff down in Naomi's room, I 'm struck by how little it has changed. Not that I expected it to, it's just that I'm sure we've both changed so much in the past few months that it almost seems comical that while so much has changed, this hasn't. It's a time capsule, our high school years frozen in time. My stomach turns in guilt as I remember what I hid from her, how I would lay in bed next to her while my heart ached more than I could ever have.

I hear the front door slam just as I'm leaving Naomi's room. Familiar voices immediately start arguing about putting away groceries. I can't help but to smile so hard it hurts and I rush down the stair towards the sound of Naomi's voice. I Naomi with her back turned and time freezes. My heart hiccups as the image of her awkwardly greeting me invades my mind, somehow the past four months having changed us too much. My worries disappear when she turns towards me and her face crumples. Within seconds we are in each other's arms and there are tears running down her face. God. I have missed her more than I realized.

"Sadie! You don't know how happy I am to see you." She hugs me harder before pulling back to get a good look at me.

"Hey, Naomi, don't cry on me or I'll end up ruining my mascara." I laugh and we pull apart and take a good look at each other. She is slimmer than she was when she left, probably thanks to the beautiful California surf. I suddenly wonder what she sees, how've I've changed. "You look so good girl; those pacific beaches are doing you good." I bump her shoulder as we walk into the kitchen. I try not to feel anything when the kitchen is full of grocery bags but vacant of anyone but the two of us.

"Haha thanks hun. I've been trying out the whole surfing thing. You on the other hand look like you could use some sun. Come on, it's not even cold in Michigan yet, don't tell me you're staying holed up in the library all the time." I giggle and try to pretend like I would do anything else. I've never been one for parties or anything crazy really, but I love learning (I know I'm crazy but I do) and I don't feel the need to do the whole college party thing.

"Oh, you know me, I've just been nocturnal, party all night, sleep all day, ya know, so I haven't seen much sun."

"Please tell me you've at least met some boys, or at the very least some good friends. There's no way I can be happy if you're not."

Don't worry, I found some other nursing students and a few engineering students, multiple of which are males, I'll have you know. But what about you, huh? Any new eye candy?"

"Oh, hell yes, there are some fine ass surfer boys. Not that I've made a move, but there's definitely potential." She blushes, clearly dreaming about her not doubt gorgeous and muscular surfer boys. "Okay but hold this thought, I really have to pee. Stupid Ro wanted to get a bunch of beer, even though I knew mom wouldn't like it, and took years trying to get enough to ensure he would be black out drunk every night this week."

I shake my head smiling. Even though neither of us are 21, Naomi's parents let us drink as long as we aren't leaving and they usually like when the boys are home to keep an eye on us, so it's not like we won't be enjoying the fruits of his extended stop.

I start to put away some of the food; I open the fridge doors and start putting the excessive amount of alcohol away. When I close the door, I almost let out a scream as a very large person stands just behind the doors. My heart beat grows erratic as I lose myself in those dark features that plagued my dreams.

His name comes out as barely a whisper as my body reacts before my brain can tell me to act like he doesn't affect me. "Roman."

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