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Liam knocked on the door for Niall, just so Maura could see that his dom had brought him home. In a flash, Maura was pulling open the door and smiling widely.

"I told you you would get one, didn't I?" Maura laughed. She looked up at Liam. "And who might you be?"

"Liam Payne, m'am. Niall's new dom. I'll be here to pick him up again sometime around one o'clock tomorrow, if that's alright with you." The tone which Liam used left no room for argument. Niall hoped his mother would just assent to Liam's wishes.

"Of course." Maura put on her wide smile again. Niall was beginning to think that it was fake. "Just so long as you bring him back."

"I will," Liam told her. He leaned down and kissed right under Niall's ear. "For now," he murmured. His teeth caught on Niall's ear lobe. The blonde had to hold back a moan. "See you tomorrow, princess. I'll be waiting for you."

Niall turned back to where his mother was once standing. She was gone. "Bye, Daddy," he whispered. Liam gave him a bright grin and left.

"How on earth did you get him as a dom?" Maura sneered as Niall shut the door behind him. "Did you rig the test or something? Did you manipulate the results?!"

"Mum! How could you even accuse me of something like that?" Niall asked, offended. "I don't know how to manipulate results? Is that even possible?"

"It damn sure is possible! And I think you've done it!" Maura screeched. Niall was suddenly fearful of his mother. She had never acted so hostile, so virulent.

"I don't even know how!" Niall cried. Tears were rushing into his eyes. "How am I supposed to do it if I don't even know how?"

"I don't know!" Maura growled. "But I think I'll tell your dom about it. You don't deserve someone like that, anyway."

"No, Mum, please!" Niall cried. His mother looked at him and spit in his face.

"I am not your mother, and you are not my son," she growled. "I'll be damned if you ever were."

Maura stalked out of the room. Niall slid down the door, crying silently. He wanted Liam, but Liam hadn't given Niall so much as his email address.

The packet! Niall almost cried even harder when he remembered it. It must have Liam's phone number in it! He scrambled to look in his bag to find it. It had to be in there somewhere! Finally, Niall caught sight of the yellow folder.

He quickly looked through the personal information. His cell number was there! But where was Niall's phone? He dug through both of his pockets to find it. The phone was just an old flip phone (it was all Maura would buy him). Niall quickly dialed Liam's number, trying to see through the tears.

"Liam Payne," Liam's voice came through the receiver. Niall whimpered.

"Liam?" He whispered. It was barely audible; it would be a miracle in Niall's eyes if Liam had actually heard it.

"Who is this?" Liam asked angrily. "If you do not have any business with me-"

"Niall," Niall answered quietly. "Are you too busy to speak to me?"

"Niall? What do you need, babe? I'll never be too busy to speak to you, I promise."

"Can you come pick me up?" Niall sniffed loudly. His tears had nearly stopped, but the after effects of crying still remained. His head ached and his nose was so stuffy it was awful.

"Of course," Liam said immediately. "Will you explain to me what is going on when I get there? Pack a bag, princess. You sound upset. You can stay at mine tonight, if you want."

"I do, sir. If it isn't an inconvenience?" Niall whispered. Somehow, Liam still managed to hear him.

"Never an inconvenience. I'll be there in about ten minutes. I need you to be ready when I get there, okay? Can you do that for me, baby?"

"I'll be outside when you come, Daddy," Niall promised.

"Good boy."


It was freezing outside. Oddly enough, it was colder than a normal september night. This was not the way Niall had pictured his first day with his dom to be.

Liam's car pulled up at a speed Niall was pretty sure wasn't exactly legal. "I got here as fast as I could," Liam said after he rolled the window down. "Get in the car, Niall. I won't make you explain until we get back to my house."

Liam's house was a lot closer to Niall's home than Niall could have imagined. Maybe it was the fact that Niall spaced out during a majority of the ride that made it seem so short, though. "We're here, love," Liam said quietly, as if he didn't want to scare Niall out of his thoughts. "Let's go inside and get you warmed up. Then you can explain what was so urgent."

Once they were inside, Liam burrowed Niall into a blanket and sat dwn next to him. Niall cuddled into his side. "Once you left, my mum got all hostile with me. She started accusing me of manipulating the results and saying that I didn't deserve a dom like you. She told me that I wasn't her son anymore." Niall broke down crying for the second time that night. Liam wasn't sure how to make him feel better.

"I know you didn't rig the results, Niall," Liam promised. He took Niall's face into both his hands. "There's no way you could have. You didn't know me before you took the test, did you?" Niall shook his head. "Then there is no way you could have purposely changed your answers to get me as your dom. I believe you, Niall."

"Mum has never acted like that before. Not even when she lost dad." Niall chose to save himself embarrassment and shove his face into his hands instead of cuddling into Liam's shirt like he wanted.

"What happened?"

"She wouldn't tell me. All I know is that he took my brother Greg with him. I think they went back to Ireland." Niall sniffed. Liam cradled Niall into his arms. "Do you think Mum will call the testing center?"

"If she does, I'll fight for you." Liam pressed a kiss to Niall's head. "You're mine, and no one is going to take you away from me."



my back hurts

so i found that my mom has the only hair dryer in the house and she's asleep. um.

but idk???

i just want to die.

oh well?

leave comments about this chapter. i like reading them


1113 words


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