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Before Liam could even detach himself from Niall, the doorbell rang again. And again. Whoever was behind that door was very impatient.

"I'm coming!" Liam called after the doorbell rang once more. "Princess, you need to detach yourself from me."

"Maybe if you don't get up, they'll go away?" Niall nearly begged.

"I've got to answer it, love. Let me up." Niall whimpered and let his dom go, watching as he walked briskly to the door. He flung the door open and immediately a man close in size and build of Liam marched in.

"I was called in for a problem with a certain Niall Horan?" The man said gruffly. He looked over at Niall who was cowering on the couch. "Is this him? Are you ready to give him up, Mr Payne?"

"And what," Liam gave him a pointed look, "Do you mean by give him up? Niall is now my sub."

The man snorted. "A sub that doesn't even deserve you. You did get word that this sub cheated on his test, correct? I'll be taking him straight to the execution hall.''

Niall somehow found the courage to speak up. "Sir, I-"

"You will come quietly," the man said harshly to Niall. "That will be all, Mr Payne. Sorry to bother you. Please, come in next week for a more deserving sub."

He hauled Niall up by his arm and was nearly at the door. "You are not taking my sub. I will pay whatever fine I need to get him out of this, but you will not be executing Niall. I believe him when he says that he did not even know of my existence before I met him this afternoon. You can continue on with your night, Mr Blake, but it will not include executing my boy. Send me the fine." With that, Liam shoved 'Mr Blake' out the door and slammed it behind him.

Niall stood shocked in the entry way. When he finally came to his senses, Niall rushed over and wrapped his arms around Liam. "Thank you," he whispered, tears leaking from his eyes. "No one has ever stood up for me like that."

"I'll always stand up for you, princess." Liam wrapped his arms around Niall and buried his face in his hair. "Let's go have a bath, yeah? Calm you down a bit."

"Okay, Daddy," Niall muttered into Liam's chest. His voice was muffled. Liam could tell his boy wasn't exactly up for walking, so he grabbed Niall and picked him up bridal style.

"Would you like me to sit with you in the bath?" Liam asked as he kicked the bathroom door closed. He sat Niall down on the counter top while he warmed the water up.

"Yes, please," Niall said brightly.

"You look like you pepped up quickly," Liam mused as Niall began ridding himself of his clothes.

"Just want to see you, Daddy," Niall grinned cheekily and pulled on the bottom of Liam's shirt. "So can I see you?"

"Strip me, baby," Liam whispered hotly. Niall slowly pulled Liam's shirt over his head, moaning a bit when he saw Liam's smooth chest. He had very prominent muscles, Niall noted. (He wanted to lick them.)

"You look good, Daddy," Niall purred, looking up at Liam with sultry eyes. "Can I take off your pants, too?"

"Of course, princess," Liam groaned as Niall's breath ghosted over his crotch. even though his pants, Niall's breath was warm and it made everywhere tingle.

Niall popped the button on Liam's pants quickly, but he dragged them down Liam's hips agonizingly slow. "Just wanna admire you, Daddy," he whispered. Niall petted his thighs. Liam kicked his pants off. "These too?" Niall grabbed the band of Liam's boxers and pulled them back from his hips a bit, letting them slap back up against Liam's skin. He moaned.

"Let's just get in the bath now, yeah?" Liam said breathlessly. He didn't want to take things too far; not on their first night together. Sex and things could wait until they were both more comfortable with each other.

Niall nodded with Liam's words and climbed into the bath, moaning in relief as the hot water nearly scalded his skin. It felt wonderful. He leaned forward so Liam could climb in behind him. "This feels wonderful, Daddy," Niall hummed, settling back into Liam's chest.

"Let's clean up a bit, love. Then we can relax." Liam grabbed for the shampoo and put some into his hands to lather into Niall's hair. "Your hair is so soft," Liam noted.

"I use a lot of conditioner," Niall giggled. Liam continued to massage the boy's scalp.

"Are you going to stay with me most of tomorrow? If so, I've got a business partner coming over. I can ask him to bring his new sub if you want someone to talk to." Liam got Niall to lean his head back so he could use the shower head to wash the shampoo out of Niall's hair.

"Would you mind?" Niall asked quietly as he turned to lather shampoo in Liam's hair. "As interesting as I'm sure your business is, I'm afraid I would get rather bored."

"I'll call him when we get out, then," Liam hummed. Niall massaged his scalp a bit more with the shampoo before grabbing the shower head and washing it out of Liam's hair. The two men quickly finished washing themselves before cuddling up in the still warm tub.

"My mum isn't going to be very happy when she realizes that I wasn't executed," Niall realized. He remembered why he was even at Liam's in the first place.

"Well, personally, I'm quite glad you didn't get executed. I still want to know what made her change her mind, though."

"Maybe she was jealous," Niall mused. "She lost her dom when she was about my age. She was still pregnant with me, too. Maybe she's jealous that I found a dom."

"That seems irrational," Liam frowned.

"I never said it was rational." Niall wiggled around and gave Liam a peck on the lips. "I think I need to go to bed."

"Alright, princess," Liam grinned. "Let's go to bed."


sew cute

my head hurts ow

i watch too much of the food channel


someone kiss it better :(

alright i'm leaving



1059 words


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