The Baker

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Just a few miles away from the palace, there was the village. Magical men and women danced and performed tricks on a corner, entertaining children and getting paid in small coins.
There were many shops including a small bakery.
A very small and thin young man, he looked 18, stood outside of the bakery on a stepladder. He was hammering a sign above the door.
"Jack's Bakery" it read.
Two children, both having very few similarities with the man outside, rushed out of the bakery.
"Papa!" the smaller one, a girl about 3, shouted.
"What do you need, Suzanne?" replied the man. He leaned against the shop's exterior.
"Richard is trying to make me call him Wick!" exclaimed the little girl, Suzanne.
The boy next to her frowned and turned his attention to what he called his father.
"Papa, she's lying! She was making jests over my ears!" Richard said. Both children began shouting over each other, trying their damnedest to out-noise the other.
"CHILDREN!" the man shouted, immediately hushing the children.
"Both of you relax. Do you two really think that this is easy?" he asked. Both children shook their heads. They looked towards a small stone next to the door.
"in loving memory of Karoline Lee Kennedy" it read. They looked back at the man.
"You're only 3. Both of you, though accidental, were the only things that kept your mother alive in her final moments. Do you really wish for a stone next to this one that says 'In loving memory of Jack Kennedy'? You two are all I have left other than the bakery." he explained. Both children simply nodded and went back into the bakery. Jack returned to hammering his sign.
He wished something good would happen for once. First he became a father too young, then his wife, who he never loved anyway, had taken ill with a horrible disease and died when the children were a year old, and now he must handle his bakery without help from his brother.
He needed a miracle.

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