A Message to King Henry

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Sup, I know I'm suuuuper active today but a certain pineapple makes me wanna write a bunch today ;)
Warnings: physical abuse (but only a small amount) and implications of the S-word that rhymes with Slip-n-Slide

Days passed. Rochelle was getting increasingly frustrated with Harry not telling the king. She would hit him, curse at him, make him sleep with the chickens.
He finally had enough.
"FINE!" he barked one morning after a particularly painful hit in the phone. "I'll tell him. Will you stop hitting me??"
Rochelles horrid blue eyes lit up. She hugged Harry and planted kisses all over the front of his phone head. He gently pushed her off and went to polish his phone before work.
"When you get home this evening, Harry, I'll have something waiting for you, dear~" Rochelle purred, making Harry wish he had a face so he could grimace. He walked out the door and caught his fellow phones waiting for the carriage.
Within moments it was there and no less than ten minutes passed before they made it to the castle. Prince Dave and King Henry were waiting at the stairs for them. Dave looked afraid, always looking towards the village. Henry was smiling and greeted the phones.
"Hello, loyal servants. Please come in, as usual. Harry, tend to my son, he's been on edge recently and I worry for him. The rest of you, normal activities as always." the pink haired king said, allowing the phones to enter the castle in their single file line. Harry followed the prince to his quarters. Dave wasn't the only one who seemed on edge, as Harry was terrified of facing Dave after the...event.
"Uh... sire? Would you like me to fetch anything for uou?" the phone man asked nervously, standing straight up.
"Is he alive?" the prince asked, grabbing Harry by the shoulders. Harry nodded, seeming confused.
"Sir, why would he be dead??" he asked, removing Dave's hands from his shoulders.
"...Have you told my father? I told him you had a message for him." he replied, sounding just as confused as Harry.
The two stood in silence. Harry was supposed to tell the king about what he saw, Jack was meant to die, and Dave had planned to join Jack in whatever heaven or hell that resided for the two. That's what happened to the last couple who had these issues, a long time ago from before phone headed people existed.
"Harry, have you told my father anything?" Dave asked. Harry shook his head no. "I planned on lying for you, sir. Jack is one of my dearest friends and-"
"HARRY THE KING HAS REQUESTED YOU!" a voice shouted from behind Dave's door. Harry jumped then told the prince he would return.
"His majesty seemed quite worried about what you had to say." Harry's good friend, Roger, said. Harry simply nodded and knocked on the king's door.
"Enter, and please be quick." his voice rang out. Clearly Henry was distressed. Harry walked in quick and approached the pink haired menace.
"Harry! I was told you had a message for me." Henry said, showing every ounce of emotion he had.
"Er, yes. I've a message to King Henry from the local baker." Harry said. Henry relaxed a little.
"I know the new baker, he houses my son while the old baker is away." the king said. He was obviously referring to the fake woman Dave had told him about while he went on secret outings with Jack. Harry knew well.
"Yes, sir. Uh, before I speak, may I donate a gold item that you can uhh...melt down into some sort of small charm?" Harry asked, twisting something that was on his left hand.
"But of course, Harry. You're my finest worker, I trust your donation." Henry replied, walking towards Harry with his hand out. Harry dropped something in Henry's hand.
A gold ring.
"Oh, it's your wedding band. Wouldnt you want to keep this?" Henry asked, seeming concerned.
"The baker has been harassed by my wife. She belittles him and she's stolen from him. His message to you was that he politely requests you execute her, preferably in private." the servant said. The king seemed taken aback.
"And...you're okay with this?" Henry asked, sounding concerned for Harry.
"Yes, your highness. She's pained me enough in the years I've been married to her. I need freedom, she's going to end up killing me. If not for the baker, get rid of her for me." Harry begged, taking Henry's hands and dropping to the floor. Henry knelt down to where his servant was nearly sobbing, squeezing his hands gently and trying to calm him down.
"Harry..." the king said softly, trying to gain his attention. He looked up at the grey eyed man. "Yes, sire?"
"She's gone. I'll summon her as soon as you return to Dave's quarters. I'd dare not let her see you. You're going to be safe now. I respect you and that new baker, even though he seems a bit...homosexual to me." the king told the phone man. He stood up and took the wedding band, setting it near his throne and returning to help Harry get up.
"You're free to go," Henry said. "return to Dave's quarters, assist him with his needs. You may go home an hour early today, for your troubles and so you can rid yourself of her belongings."
"Thank you, King Henry. If she starts telling you things, please pay her no mind. She's mad, I tell you. Absolutely batty." he said.
Henry simply laughed a bit and nodded. He sent Harry away and sent another phone man to collect Rochelle.
Harry arrived at Dave's door and Dave pulled him in and engulfed him in a hug. Tears were coming out of his eyes as he mumbled several "thank you"'s to Harry.
Jack was safe. Dave was safe.
Harry was safe.

Me: [writes Rochelle as a character out for one chappy]
Also me: [kills her]
Y'all shoulda seen this comin lmao.
Catch you on the Flipside

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