The Two Kings of Fazbendia (Epilogue)

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There is a kingdom, beyond the Virginiell Isles, past the city of Telephonopolis.
The land was referred to as Fazbendia, named after the first man to set foot on land, Fredrick Fazbender.
In this particular place, there rules a king and his lover.
Another king.
King Dave and King Jack are one of a kind in terms of rulers. They were two men, which was frowned upon for so many years up until Dave took rule.
Jack hadn't been born royal, he'd been born in a poor family. He grew up to learn who he was, and while he experienced hardships, the townsfolk like to believe that the hardships paid off in the end.
The king had hidden a lover for over two years during the reign of a cruel, pink haired man named Henry.
His father.
Nobody expected their old king, who had been so kind and merciful, to try and murder an innocent baker.
The baker lived, both he and the new king lived through that time.
To think a story began because a prince needed to visit the town to find a bride, and he instead found a much better B word.
A baker named Jack.
And with Jack came two children, twins from Jack's previous marriage.
Twins who had become Prince Richard and Princess Suzanne of the land.
Many thought it odd, that the purple haired prince at the time had spent so much time with a baker.
Many thought it sweet, the beginning of a new friendship that would've resulted in the baker becoming a part of the royal staff.
Only a small handful believed the story would end in the baker becoming a king, and that he did.
Fixing Henry's mistakes took so much time. Decades of being forced to hide were erased. Everyone was allowed to love who they wanted.
Now you may think it odd, two kings ruling a land. How would that work, what would the children think?
What would the townspeople think?
Well, children don't seem to mind. They seem to understand love being love.
Townspeople, however, required a lot of teaching in order to undo the damage of being forced to hide, forced to hate.
Now, after years of work, the land of Fazbendia was ready to accept people for being just that:
And it's all thanks to that faithful day when blue eyes met green.
All thanks to the prince and the baker.

And that is a wrap!!
Thank you all so much for commenting on this story, telling me how much you enjoyed it, telling me how the chapters impacted you.
I'll be happy to announce that "The Daughter of the Baker: Suzanne's Story" will be published later today. I'll have an introduction to the story which will be me talking, that way you'll all know how this tale will play out.
Again thank you all for your support, I couldn't have finished this story without it.
Special thanks to:
♡My friends on discord who motivated me to write this au using the discord character limit (origins of the first few chapters)
♡My super cool boyfriend who supported me through writing this
♡You guys!! You've all showed continuous support and I can't thank you all enough!!
Thank you all for reading, it's been a wild ride.
Catch you on the Flipside!!

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