Part 23

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Hoseok arrived home, feeling somehow more tired than usual even though he had overslept that morning. He cautiously opened the door and peeked in, but didn't see Taehyung. He stepped inside and closed the door behind himself, stepping out of his shoes.

"Tae?" He called. The hybrid poked his head around the corner, his big eyes and droopy ears just visible.

"Hi Hobi," he said, his voice soft and hesitant.

"What are you doing, come here," Hoseok said, holding his arms out for his welcome home hug.

"You - you're not mad?"

"Tae I already told you I wasn't mad, now come here," Hoseok repeated. "I missed you." Taehyung's face broke from apprehension into relieved happiness and he hurried around the corner, crossing the room and wrapping his arms around Hoseok's waist to bury his head in the man's chest.

"Hobi 'm sorry I marked you so dark and didn't fix it before you left for work I didn't mean to," he whined against him. "I'm a bad bad bad hybrid."

"Buddy you're not a bad hybrid, stop," Hoseok said, rubbing Taehyung's back lightly. "It was helpful. Hansol saw it and don't pretend you didn't want that. I also had a conversation with the hybrid intern and it was nice. Now, what do you mean by you can fix it?"

Taehyung hesitated, pulling back and looking at him.

"You're gonna do that thing where you kinda freak out," he said, pouting.

"Why would I freak out?"

"Cause I have to touch you and every time I touch you your face goes like-" Taehyung let his face go slack, his mouth falling open in a good impression of Hoseok when Taehyung did anything attractive. Hoseok just blushed and scowled, pulling his expression into a frown.

"I - we've kissed before, I don't still do that," he said. Taehyung raised an eyebrow. "Oh come on, just - do whatever you have to do."

"Okay," Taehyung shrugged. Then he tilted his head and leaned in and let his lips ghost over Hoseok's neck so lightly it tickled and Hoseok felt his fingers twitch in response. Taehyung paused and then his big hands were closing around Hoseok's, holding them still as he parted his lips and carefully dragged his tongue over the bruise on his throat.

Hoseok went stiff, inhaling sharply, but Taehyung didn't stop, just adjusting his hold on the man's hands and licking his neck again, spreading his hybrid saliva around until the skin was sufficiently coated. Then he pulled back and smiled, pleased with his work.

"There. It will be gone by morning."

Taehyung was still holding his hands and Hoseok was in a kind of daze, staring ahead with his lips parted and his eyes unfocused. Taehyung giggled.

"Hobi? What's for dinner?" Hoseok blinked quickly and closed his mouth, looking at the hybrid. Taehyung's tail was wagging softly and his dark eyes were wide and innocent.

"Ah - whatever you want bud," Hoseok replied. So they ordered dinner and sat down on the couch, both seeming a little bit cautious and sitting a bit farther away than they normally did. After they had eaten Taehyung tapped Hoseok's leg to get his attention. Hoseok looked over at him expectantly.

"Will you scratch my ears?" Taehyung asked. Hoseok smiled.

"Of course I will buddy."

So Taehyung laid his head in Hoseok's lap and the man's hand fell automatically to stroke over his soft, floppy ears soothingly. And just like that, any awkwardness that had held over seemed to disappear, and they fell back into their comfortable routine.

With one little difference.

Taehyung yawned and stretched his hands over his head.

"Come on, time for bed," Hoseok said, patting his head. Taehyung pouted and peeked his eyes open.

"But I'm comfy here," he said.

"I know bud, but you can't sleep on the couch it's not good for your back."

"I meant I'm comfy here with you," Taehyung pouted. Hoseok blinked.


"Can I sleep in your bed?"

"Um. Yeah. Of course you can."

"Okay!" Taehyung said, smiling happily and hopping to his feet. They went upstairs and got ready for sleep, then both climbed into Hoseok's bed. Taehyung snuggled down into the blankets, pressing his face into the pillow and inhaling deeply. Hoseok chuckled, then reached behind his head and pulled the pillow out from beneath it.

"Here, trade me," he said.

"How come?" Taehyung asked, peering at the pillow curiously.

"I normally sleep on this one, so-"

Taehyung swiped it, wrapping his arms around the pillow and burying his face in the soft fabric. Hoseok chuckled and tugged on the edge of the pillow Taehyung's head was on.

"Come on I still need a pillow," he said.

"Oh yeah," Taehyung said, lifting his head so Hoseok could take the one from under it. He tucked Hoseok's under his head and smiled as he lay back down.

Hoseok chuckled and leaned over to turn the lamp off, getting comfortable himself. He closed his eyes and the room was silent for a moment. Then,

"Hobi," Taehyung whispered loudly.

"Yeah?" Hoseok asked.

"I have thought of a problem with sleeping in your bed."

"What's that buddy?"

"I didn't get a goodnight kiss."

Hoseok's heart thudded and he swallowed heavily, trying not to move around uncomfortably.

"Okay. Um...I'll still give you one if you want."

"Okay," Taehyung breathed softly. The room was dark, but a tiny bit of light filtered in through the curtain. Hoseok used it to discern where Taehyung's face was as he pushed up on his elbow and leaned closer until he cold softly press his lips to Taehyung's, just the gentlest ghost of a kiss.

"Goodnight," Hoseok breathed then, after pulling back. Taehyung licked his lips and swallowed as Hoseok moved to lay back down.

"Wait," he said softly. Hoseok paused. "can I just have...a little bit more?" Hoseok was silent for a moment.

"Sure bud," he finally said. Then he felt the hybrid scooting closer to him, felt a warm hand on his waist, and Taehyung was leaning in this time, kissing him softly and sweetly. He pulled Hoseok closer and they lay on their sides, lips softly kissing, the tiny noises they made when they touched the only sound in the otherwise silent room.

It went on far longer than Hoseok knew he should have allowed it, but Taehyung's lips just felt so...good. So soft and sweet and warm and perfect that he just couldn't bring himself to stop him. Didn't want to stop him. In fact what he wanted to do was pull him closer, kiss him deeper, kiss him everywhere- but instead he just continued to move his lips gently, to stay inches apart from Taehyung, feeling the hybrid's hand on his waist and nothing more.

Not for tonight anyway. Hoseok smiled softly against Taehyung's lips.

Why rush things when they had forever?


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