chapter 5

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Lily POV

It was morning. I had bags under my eyes, my eyes are now looking red because of all night crying. I was still lying on my bed. I heard someone was knocking at the door "Lily dear are you sleeping?" It was dad "hmm ya dad, you can come in" I saw he bought me a huge teddy bear and flowers. It was cute just the way he used to buy me when mom was alive and Sophia was just one or two years old. He used to call me his teddy bear.

After seeing the teddy bear those memories came back to me like a breeze. He was looking guilty." I am sorry my bear, I wanted to come but there was an urgent meeting and the client was creating a problem so I had to stay there. I should have come here to see you. To hug you, to congratulate you but I missed it, I miss it every time, I am a very bad dad right? I wish your mom would be here to fix everything, to smack my head to miss your graduation, she would have given me her silent treatment not to have your graduation party, she would have told me to sleep in the couch and I would have to sulk in front of you kids. Our life would have so beautiful if she didn't have left our side. I am a real failure.

 Not that I lost my love and now I am here starting to lose the first treasure she gave to me. I know you are angry at me and you should be but I don't know, I don't know why am I doing this? please bear just forgive this ungrateful father of yours, after all, you both are had left in my life now and I don't want to lose you too also."

I immediately hugged my dad. He was guilty and I can see that. He thought I was crying because he didn't show up. Yes, I was upset about that but Chris did fuel in my sadness which was overflowing by my tears.

"Dad(hiccup) I mom so much" he was caressing my hair just the way he used to do it when I was a kid "me to my bear, so so much" I really needed someone to hug me and I was glad dad was here to hold me. Because of this gesture, I have already forgotten his yesterday's mistake.

At first, when dad came into my room I wanted to tell many things like, Wow he really got the time at last? I was impressed. I wanted to tell all these things but I didn't, I couldn't because I still remember my childhood with dad, and he is the person whom my mom told me to take care of no matter what happens.

She knew her love will be so devastated, I also knew he was doing these to keep himself busy. He still loves mom so much that sometimes I even find him, sleep at late night and sobbing while clutching mom's favorite dress, the dress she wore when she first met dad.

I love their love story but the way they loved each other, even when mom is not here but their love is still alive through dad and I wanted to have this kind of love with Chris which will be forever young, forever alive even when your partner is dead and another will keep that love by his living. But I know this kind of nowadays does not exist but for me it's up to us to keep that kind of love alive, to show everyone no matter how generation changed, no matter how digitalized people have become, but love can never change. Yes, it has updated but it is still the same and it will remain the same.

After our father-daughter crying session, we decided to go on a date. Only me and dad. No one, not even our phone has no permission to disturb us, and we will think about nothing and our goal is to create those memories again just the way we used to do when I was a kid.

We both really need this is a kind of distraction, especially me. I wanted to forget my pain, my one-sided love. I need to relax today to decide what should I say to him tomorrow.

We spent the rest of the day is by having some coffee, snapping selfies by making silly faces. We went to mom's favorite places where he used to take her on a date. Then we went to an amusement park. Yes, amusement park, then we had some food, went for some rides. 

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