chapter 9

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The next morning Valerie decided to visit lily's house. She was concerned about the email she saw this morning. She was also the partner of lily's dance academy.

She wanted to talk about if she wants to go to the conference or not. Though the conference was important for every YouTuber that was not her concern she was worried about lily's decision. If she had seen the email, how did she react, what is she doing right now?

When she reached lily's apartment Valerie knocked on her door but she didn't open it first. After some moment Valerie opened it with the spare key she has. She was searching for her but realize she was bathing. After some moments lily gets out from the shower, she saw Valerie was there which made her smile.

"Hey, when did you came?"

"Sorry I was in the shower so I didn't hear anything.Sit I am I didn't have my breakfast yet, wait for a little let me prepare some" "wait for lily, are you fine?" "huh? (chuckle) what will I not be ok?" "have you seen the email we got from YouTube?" "ya, so what?"

"Lily, the conference is in Los Angeles, in our hometown, are you going ?" "So what, Valerie I know we have to go there. The place where I have buried all my bloody emotions for good. It used to be that naive lily's hometown, not this confident, successful Lily who knows what she wants and doesn't need anyone to rely on one for every single little thing."

"Lily just stops this, why are you doing this to yourself? I am happy that you find yourself, your future, your success, don't you think you are losing yourself every day. I am scared about your drastic change.

You are not my that friend anymore who used to be happy in every little thing, who used to be so strong whatever happens not like this emotionless lily. Where did you hide that innocent lily who used to love everyone, who knew how to be cheerful who knew not to use for her interest. Where is she?"

"Do you know what I felt when that man called me fat and ugly?"
She whispered the last sentence.

"Do you know how does it feel to hear from his  fucking mouth. The person who used to say that no matter what happened you are and will be beautiful, like a flower, no one can replace your beauty, the inner beauty you have, who never let me feel down, never let me felt alone, who were there every time whenever I felt useless, who knew when I feel or what I feel in different situations before me, who were there when even my family, even you were not there because of some circumstances. But he never missed the chance to be there for me, never"

Valerie was listening to her every word, it's been years she was seeing her friends express her feelings, about her and him.

"Do you know why I do not show my emotions because my every emotion is tightly related to that man. I am scared to show, to feel because if I feel anything those emotions will come to me like a cyclone and he will not be here to hold me. Only he knew every piece of me still he did that, you were not there when he used that when I confess my feelings, you have no idea what I felt, no one knew what I felt that night and that time even he didn't know for the first time in 14 years, he was not there to handle me because he was the who shook my world, destroy my little world by his words."

She chuckled after some moments "he called my love infatuation, an infatuation. No, it was not, I knew what I felt. But it wasn't his fault, yea Valerie it was not his fault at all. I was not hurt when he didn't accept my love, I didn't felt hurt that much when I begged to him for one chance, just one chance to show how my..."

Valerie saw her clench her bathrobe while she was looking outside the window where rain was pouring.

"It was his last sentence, he called me what people always told me, the things I was used to hearing from those outsiders who didn't even like my shadow. But it was he who threw those words at me. I still remembered how his reaction got changed when I confess my feelings to him. He steps back from me like I was a plague or I asked him to give his life. You know he became the person whom I didn't know. His expressions were like 'are you out of your mind?'

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