chapter 26(unedited)

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" and Ken? no..she is dreaming..that is's all a lie...they are playing games with your mind lily... there was no news about Sophie and Chris break up...she still remember that when she used live with her granny she saw them on some magazine cover ...they are smiling at each other...he was kissing her on the cheek..they were how does that happened?"

" I might be thinking that everything is false..we are playing or plotting something against you...but no..." He came behind her and she didn't realize because all her thoughts were fighting with each other. He put his head on her shoulder and hug her from the back. " But that's the real truth...I was never ...never ever linked with her...not emotionally,not physically,not romantically,not was all you" then he kissed her at the crook of her neck and smell her ..she smelled like as sweet as always..

"You know like a love for you can never can never fade just increase day be were the first female after my mom whom I loved as a friend,as a partner in crime,then as a lover,you are and will be the woman whom I ever love at the end of my life. No one..can and no one will fill with spot..after you then our daughter...our Liliana...our little sweet flower...just like world...our world"

She was listening his every word but s she was hesitating...she was still not convinced..she have to know...she has the right to know everything...if Sophie is dead...then what happened.. happened to ken

"Ken...where is he..?" Her words make him stiff. He was now silent..on the other hand lily was now becoming more curious to know about ken and his whereabouts.

"I am waiting ..if Liliana is their child then where is he..why are you in the picture..why are you legally recognized as her father..? don't tell me he just back out from his own daughter.. because as far I knew him he was not like that..he was the most sensible person in your friends group.."she still remember him back her high school days...apart from Valerie only he knew ..he knew that how lily was head over heels on her love was strong for her best friend..for her Chris...

8 years ago...

After class lily and Valerie was waiting in the canteen ...Chris and his friends were going to come here to have lunch with them..that day he and his friends were busy with their football practice because the match was near and Chris was the star player and there was no doubt on that. That's why many cheerleaders and mean girls and also some beautiful Girls of her class and some of his classes were crazy over him but he had only eyes for her ...but not as a lover but as friend..his best friend..but she was okay.. because she knew she holds a special place in his life,in his heart she has nothing to worry about...she just wish that like her ..he could felt the same things...she just wants to spend her whole life with him...not only as a friend of his but also as a girlfriend,as his wife,as the mother of his children,as his companion in their last days of their life

"Penny for your thoughts?" "Jesus ken you scared me..." "Really were so busy about dreaming of your Chris that you didn't even realized that when he came and is sitting here for freaking five minutes" when she realised what Valerie was saying now she felt embarrassed and her face turn into red as tomato from embarrassment

"Stop making fun of me...I was thinking something else" "ya ya.. whatever you say..'flower' ..." "Hey stop calling me that..only Chris can say that to me..." "Ah ha possessive much! Okay I will not call you that but what if another girl become his flower then what will you do?" "Huh?" That caught me off guard..what is he talking no no...I am sure there is no other one..."you are joking right?ken tell me you making fun of me...there is no other ,right?please don't scare me ...please ken..." "No...frankly speaking there is no one...but...." "But?" "But there is no guarantee that there will be no one in the future....if you don't confess your feelings..."

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