Chapter 3

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Arriving at the hospital, Jay goes to the receptionists desk. Allison looks at hem as Jay gives her his ID. The guys follow suite, Allison gives them ID stickers. Going to the elevator, Cole reaches for a bottom. "Three, Cole" Jay said, leaning on the wall, turning the gift in his hand. Nya looks at hem, Jay catches her looking at the gift. "Its the last gift she gave me. I was about to open it when the stove exploded. I've held it all these years." Jay said. "You never opened it." Lloyd asks. "I wanted to open it with her." Jay says as the doors open. Jay walks down the hall, coming to room three-twonty seven. Knocking, Jay opens the door. The guys go in as Jay stays behind. Nya intraines their hands, they walk in. Stepping past the curtain, Wyvern sits up in the bed. "BJ." She asks. "Hey lil d." Jay said, walking over and hugging his sister. Wyvern returns the hug, nuzzling the metal sleeve of Jay's gi. Jay pulls away, Wyvern traces the symbols on the gi. "Is it Halloween." Wyvern said. "No, its my birthday, I'm eighteen. You've been asleep for thirteen years now." Jay explains, sitting on the bed. "So what is this." Wyvern asks. "I'm a ninja. Elemental master of lightning." Jay said, lightning crackling along his fingers. Wyv smiles, she sees the box in my hand. "Is that, the gift I gave you all those years ago." Wyvern gasps. Jay nods "Wanted to open it with the one that gave it to me." Jay says. He holds it out "One three." "One." Wyvern. "Two." Jay. "Three." They open it. Jay takes the top off, tears falling his eyes as he lifts the gold chain with a shark tooth on it. "Remember when we went to the beach and I found it in the sand. Dad bought the chain, mom threaded the tooth on the chain." Wyvern said. Jay hugs his little sister. Wyvern takes the chain, putting it on Jay. The door opens, Marco comes in. "Sorry Jay and friends, visiting hours are over." Marco said. Jay hugs his little sister, kissing her cheek. "Be back tomorrow." Jay said. They leave, going back to the Bounty. Jay lays in his bed, looking at his screen saver. Kai took a picture just before they left of Jay and Wyvern. Kai texted Jay the picture. Jay sets his alarm, rolling over and falls asleep. Looking forward to work in the morning.

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