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"Get over here, girls!" Willow yelled from the living room. Willow had been Katya's best friend back in Atlanta, and the main reason she moved here.

Trixie and Katya had been at her party for maybe over an hour, and she could tell that Trixie was getting more than a bit tipsy. She can feel her clinging to her when waving at Willow, as if the movement was going to make her fall over. Katya takes her arm and leads her towards the small group of people in the living room.
"Hey girl" Trixie says, slurring a little. Willow chuckles as she sees them braided together like that. Katya rolls her eyes lightly, but soon she's laughing too.
"Maybe you two should sit down on the couch for a moment?" She suggests. Katya nods and almost falls backwards onto the comfortable leather couch behind her.

"So how has things been since last time?" She asks while picking up another bottle of beer from the portable cooler. She also takes a can of soda and hands it to her. Willow really is the perfect friend, never questioning Katya's sobriety and never trying to peer pressuring her into doing something stupid. She takes the soda and gives a genuine smile for the first time tonight. She's mostly been chasing Trixie around, trying to keep her hands out of people's pants. She looks down at the girl who is now lying down beside her, trying to find a comfortable way to place her head in Katya's lap.
"Not much" she answers regarding Willow's question. That's a lie, a lot has happened since they last saw each other, but she can't tell her that. Not here at least, not with Trixie sleeping in her lap. Willow notices Katya's uncertainty and tries to give her a push. "I really need to smoke. You wanna come with me? We could go to the balcony" she suggests. Katya nods and carefully lifts Trixie's head up and puts a pillow from the other side of the couch underneath.

Willow closes the glass door that separates the balcony from the living room behind them. She slides a pack of cigarettes out of her pocket and lights two before handing one to Katya.
Katya inhales the smoke deep down in her lungs and slowly lets it out before saying anything.
"I got a text from Violet yesterday" she says quietly. Not that anyone could hear them, but she really didn't have the power to say it louder. She looks out over the neighborhood, not meeting Willow's eyes. A wrinkle forms between willow's eyebrows as she processes the information. She lets out the smoke she'd been keeping in her lungs and lightly taps with her long black painted nails on the rail, trying to think of something to say.
"What did she write?"
"Uhm, not much.. or she tried to call me first, so i guess it was kind of a continuation of that?" Katya mumbles, realizing that she's only avoiding the question. "She said that she wants me back and stuff like that, nothing new, really. But it kind of put me off since it's been so long since her last text".
"Yeah, I guess so. She really didn't write anything else?" Katya can feel drops of sweat rolling down her back, thinking that maybe she's overreacting.
"Yeah, no, that was it" she mumbles, almost incoherently. She takes another hit of her cigarette, desperately trying to calm her anxiety. Willow places her hand on Katya's back, making soothing motions up and down.
"I just didn't want to say it with Trixie in the room" she says, quickly wiping a tear from the corner of her eye. "I just want her to leave me alone. It feels like I can't ever escape her, and that eventually the only thing I can do is-" she gets choked up at the end and she clears her throat before continuing. "-Is to go back to her". She doesn't realize that she's crying until a number of mascara stained tears fall down and lands on the white rail of the balcony.
The girls stand there quietly for a couple of minutes before Katya's tears are being mixed with cold drops of rain. Willow puts out her cigarette and starts chewing on a piece of gum.
"You don't have to go back to her, you know? This is just another one of her mind games. She has no control over you anymore" she says and pulls her in for a hug. "Thanks" Katya whispers into the soft black fur jacket she's wearing, trying not to ruin it with her tears.
"Let's go inside, the rain's getting more intense" she says.

Trixie is sleeping in the same position Katya left her in, and she carefully shakes her arm to wake her up. She doesn't open her eyes, but she scrunches up her face and mumbles "you smell like a burnt horse". Katya starts laughing, which feels good after the intense talk she had with Willow on the balcony. "You're really drunk. Let's get you out of here and get you into bed" she says, almost like she was talking with a toddler. Trixie can only nod.
Heyyy it's me ya girl, just wanted to say that im really excited about writing this and i hope you enjoy it :) i'll try to post a new chapter tomorrow, and if i get good feedback then I'll continue to post like every two days maybe? Basically as soon as i have any free time

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