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Katya is sitting up in her and Violet's bed, with her side of the blanket loosely wrapped around her chest. Tears are falling from her eyes and staining the soft, white fabric. As she's about to get up with the intent to take a shower, she hears Violet's voice.
"Hey, baby" she mumbles. Katya lays back down, facing her girlfriend. She brushes her blonde hair to the side with her long, pale fingers.
"I'm sorry for being so.. intense yesterday" Katya whispers. Violet smiles softly.
"Maybe you should start unpacking your things" she says with a nod towards Katya's suitcases. After a slight pause, she responds with a weak "okay".
Trixie is sitting in the living room with her mom. Some random movie is playing in the background, but she's not paying attention. After about half an hour of silence, her mom turns towards her.
"Can we talk about the elephant in the room for a minute?" Trixie feels her cheeks getting hotter.
"Katya?" Whatever opinions Valerie has of her girlfriend, she is not in the mood to hear it.
"Yeah" she looks towards the television again, trying to avoid eye contact. "It's- I'd be lying if I said I was happy for you"
Trixie looks down and starts picking on her nails. It hurts more than it should, hearing that from her mom. She thought she'd be used to it by now.
"I mean, the drugs and the smoking and the sleeping around... I'm scared that you'll turn out the same way"
"She doesn't do drugs anymore" she whispers, though she's not sure if Valerie's listening.
"That kind of lifestyle might work out if you're a rebellious teenager, but she's in her late twenties. What kind of future is awaiting her? She can't offer you anything"
Tears are burning Trixie's eyes, but her mothers words are so upsetting that she might be able to hold them in.
"I don't care, she's my girlfriend and I love her" her voice cracks slightly, and Valerie stops dead in her tracks.
"She's your what?" Trixie gets up from the couch, ready for an argument.
"My girlfriend. I know you want to keep denying it but I'm gay, and nothing will ever change that. I don't need your approval, this is who I am and if you can't accept that then I'm out of here".
The room goes dead silent, with the exception of the movie still playing in the background. As she lifts her hand to brush her hair out of her face she can tell that her cheeks are drenched in tears. She doesn't care anymore.
"Say something then!" she yells. "Mom?"
A few more seconds pass by before Trixie shakes her head and runs up to her room. She still has a lot of adrenaline in her body, so it's with shaking hands she gathers up most of the clothes in her wardrobe and stuffs it in her pink suitcase. She snatches her phone off the bedside table before walking down the stairs again.
"I'm going to Katya's" She says, her mother still unresponsive.

The wheels on the suitcase makes a loud rattling noise as she walks down the road towards Katya's house. She hopes that she won't mind her staying there for a while.
When she gets closer, she spots Willow's car on the driveway. What is she doing here? Did something happen to Katya?
She rushes to the door and opens it without knocking. A confused Willow looks up at her from the black leather couch, though the expression quickly shifts as she realizes it's her.
"Hey, Trixie. How are you?" She gives her a concerned look, and Trixie tries to half heartedly wipe the black tinted tears from her puffy face.
"I'm fine. Is Katya home?"
"Yeah, come in. She's right here" she points next to her on the couch, the part that isn't visible to her since she's facing the short side. Trixie nods and kicks off her shoes before making her way over to Willow. Katya is resting her head in willows lap, she's clearly been crying. A lot. She crouches down next to her and takes her hand. She looks so vulnerable when she sleeps.
"What happened?" She asks. Willow smiles a bit and tilts her head.
"Here, maybe we should talk over some tea?" She gets up carefully and places a decorative pillow under Katya's head. Trixie follows Willow into the kitchen.
"You can go wipe your tears while I turn on the kettle". She nods and makes her way over to the bathroom.
A few minutes later they're sitting at Katya's table with a cup of tea each. Trixie had chosen the one thats supposed to taste like a strawberry cupcake. Katya bought a large pack of it after learning that it was Trixie's favorite.
"So, I was asking about Katya" she says after taking a small sip of the scolding hot beverage.
Willow taps on the mug with her nails, trying to find the right words.
"Do you know why Katya left Atlanta?" She finally asks.
"She broke up with her girlfriend, right?" Trixie's not sure what this has to do with it, but she keeps her mouth shut.
"She did. But let me tell you why" Willow switches position in the chair. "Her name was Violet Chachki, in case you didn't know. I introduced them to each other at a party a mutual friend was hosting. They started dating a few weeks later, and things seemed to be going well. Katya was happy, Violet was happy and they were a really cute couple". She can sense that Trixie is getting uncomfortable, so she tries to hurry it up.
"As you know, Katya has quite a past of... self medication. She did mostly party drugs, but after she got together with Violet it got worse. They were triggering each other, and the group of friends they were in didn't have a voice of reason. Including myself. A few months later they move in together and they went on and kept doing heavier and heavier drugs, I hardly ever saw her if it wasn't at a party."
Willow takes another sip of her tea as heavier memories seem to float to the surface.
"I managed to get her over to my house and talk about her situation. She told me that she had tried to leave her on several occasions, but Violet would keep going on about how it's Katya making things up." Willow clears her throat.
"She believed her. She said it as if she was blaming herself, and whenever I tried to tell her that it wasn't the case she wouldn't listen. This went on for so long, and finally one day she got out of that house for good". Willow goes quiet and Trixie just stares at her.
"That's awful" is the only thing she manages to get out.
"Yeah, it was pretty bad"
"What does it have to do with her right now, though?"
"Violet's moving in with Danny".
Trixie freezes.
"Noriega?" Willow nods. "But that's less than a five minute drive from here"
"Yeah, I know. That's why she's freaking out". Trixie buries her face in her hands. This is all so much to process, so many emotions.
"Why didn't she tell me? About Violet?" She feels the anger creeping up on her. Willow notices it and says with a calm voice;
"She still hasn't recovered fully. It's almost too painful for her to bring it up with me, and I was in the middle of it. She would never keep it from you otherwise". It makes her go silent again. "What happened to you? You walked in here with smeared out mascara and a suitcase, what's that about girl?"
"I got into a fight with my mom" she says, although it feels kind of silly compared to Willow's heart wrenching story about Katya's past.
Willow reaches across the table and takes Trixie's cold hands in her warm ones.
"That really sucks. Were you planning on staying here?"
"Yeah, I think so, if it's fine with Katya"
"She'll definitely understand, and I know she loves spending time with you. It should be totally fine". Trixie smiles. She understands now why Katya would like someone like Willow. Her wisdom and rational thinking and calm attitude definitely balances out the twisted hellhole that is Katya's mind.
"I should get going, you girls have a lot to discuss once she wakes up" She gets up and kisses Trixie's temple. "I'll see you around" she says while walking towards the door.
Trixie stays at the table and just stares at the wall for a few minutes before walking over to Katya on the couch. She places her head in her lap like Willow did earlier, and plays with her hair while waiting for her to wake up.


This is the longest chapter I've ever written, and I don't know if its messy or anything cuz its in the middle of the night and I don't have time to read through it (plus im a bit dizzy from being up so late so that could be the reason if its too messy) anyways hope you liked it, goodnight <3

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