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Trixie wakes up in her bed with the clothes she was wearing yesterday scattered all over the place. She is really hungover and can barely remember anything from the party except for lots of drinking and..
A throb of pain goes through her head like a bullet.

She remembers now. She was in Katya's car, and she bent down for some reason and then.. she kissed her.
Trixie starts to sweat. She was so drunk, it didn't feel like such a big deal then. But now she has to deal with the consequences. Katya and Trixie had kissed many times before, but that was during truth or dare or other silly drinking games. This was different. They were alone, and they weren't playing a game. She chose to kiss Katya.
"So fucking stupid.." she mumbles to herself.


When Trixie is sitting in the couch a few hours later, she can feel her phone vibrating in her back pocket. Katya's name lights up the screen, and Trixie takes a deep breath before answering.
"Hey Katya, what's up?"
"Nothing much, just wanted to check up on you. You had quite a few drinks yesterday"
"Sorry" Trixie says, embarrassed over her behavior the night before.
"Don't be, it was cute" Katya answers with a laugh. "Do you wanna meet up for coffee later?" Trixie's hands get sweaty. She's not ready to talk about the kiss yet.
"Sure" she says instead. "See you at Starbucks in half an hour?"
"Perfect" Katya says, and hangs up. Fuck.

Katya waves at Trixie outside of Starbucks. She's wearing a grey shirt with the words ты мой сука printed on the front in red letters. Her red lipstick makes her teeth seem even whiter as she smiles, and the blonde wavy bob frames her face perfectly.
She can feel Katya's hesitation as she pulls her in for a hug. It feels like someone's pouring cold water over her head.
"Пойдём" she says with a smile. She had taught Trixie that it meant 'let's go'. Trixie nods and they walk into the coffee shop.

"What's your name?" The barista asks. She has blue hair and nude lipstick on, and doesn't seem to be enjoying herself.
"Trixie Mattel" Trixie says, though she knows that the barista won't get it right.
She hands her the coffee and Trixie pays with her credit card before walking over to Katya, who ordered before her.
"How did it go?" She asks with a smirk, and Trixie looks at the cup in her hands. 'Tracy Martel' is written on it with rushed letters.
"What the fuck" she says breathlessly. "How did she manage to get it so wrong"
Katya starts laughing her usual wheezy laugh.

After a few minutes of smalltalk Katya finally asks the question.
"What was with that kiss yesterday?" She's smiling, but the smile isn't reaching her eyes. This is it. Trixie can either tell the truth, tell Katya about her feelings, or just brush it off. Pretend like it was just another alcohol-induced playful one.
"Oh, that" Trixie chuckles lightly. "It was really no big deal, I was just drunk".
Is it just her or does Katya look disappointed?
"Oh, I see" Katya smiles again.
"I haven't made things weird, have I?"
"No, of course not! I suspected that it was just.. you know, no big deal" Katya says before taking a big sip of her coffee.
The conversation continues, and for a second Trixie wishes she could go back in time. Tell Katya how she really feels. Or just not kiss her the night before.

Katya gives Trixie a ride home, softly tapping with her black painted nails on the wheel in the rythm of the Nirvana song blasting out of the car's speakers. Trixie is quietly looking out the window, and they sit there in what seems to be peace and quiet to enjoy the music. The sun is already setting, though it's only about five o'clock.
Less than ten minutes later they're at Trixie's house, and Katya follows her to her door.
"That was fun" she says, her teeth almost glowing in the dim sunlight. "I'll see you tomorrow?"
"Of course" Trixie forces a smile, and Katya turns to leave. It's like everything's in slow motion. She really doesn't want this night to end like this. Not when she has the perfect time to tell Katya about her feelings.
She grabs Katya's arm and pulls her in closer, and without even thinking about it she presses her lips onto hers. Katya seems surprised, but she doesn't pull away. In fact, she's the one who takes initiative this time and pushes Trixie against the door. When she does that, Trixie feels all the doubt roll off her like water off a duck's back. She puts her arms around Katya's neck, and she responds by putting her tongue against Trixie's lips, asking for permission to enter. Trixie parts her lips slightly, and she feels Katya's tongue slip inside her mouth. Her hands goes down Trixie's waist, down to her hip and stays there. After what feels like way too short, Katya pulls away. Her eyes are inches from hers, and she can see her studying every inch of her face.
"What is this?" She whispers.
"I don't know" Trixie didn't realize until now how she's almost out of breath. "I just know I like it"
Katya smiles. "Good enough" she says, and reconnects their lips.
Hieeee hope you liked this chapter, and though it doesn't seem like it I actually spent a lot of time on it lol
Also sorry about all the references, i just couldn't help myself

Take your time - TrixyaTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang