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This chapter is mostly dialogue and since they're standing in one place I couldn't play around that much with the environment but bear with me pals

Violet chews on her lip,thinking of what to say. Her hand on Katya's back feels inept, but she's not sure of what else to do. All she can think about is how emphasized Katya's spine is under her thin shirt. It only amps up the anxiety she already has about her girlfriend.
"I just.. I guess I just assumed she'd always be here" Katya mumbles hoarsely between her suffocated sobs.
"I know" Violet hugs her tighter. Willow hasn't been her biggest fan since she started dating Katya, but it's worth defending her if it means Katya won't be so torn up.
"I hate knowing.. that's it's my fault-" she is interrupted by another forceful sob and Violet can't help that her heart clenches.
"It's not your fault, Katya. I'm sure it's not over"
"You weren't there, you should've seen her face.. she hates me"
"She doesn't. Willow can't hate anybody, it would be breaking the laws of nature" violet says in an attempt to joke, and katya chuckles. Or cries harder, it's difficult to tell. In which case, violet lifts up her chin and tries to dry her tears with her thumb.
"You need water, you've cried like half the Mississippi River"
Katya just nods and lays on her side in the couch as violet gets up. She fills up a glass from the tap, almost enchanted by its pureness. She could really use a shot right now, but decides against it. Katya needs her present.
"I actually feel better now. Like, physically" katya admitted as she had finished the glass. Violet nods, internally sighing of relief.
"Do you wanna take a nap?" She asks, getting a worn out nod in return.
"Only if you join me" katya commanded, a more stable smile on her lips. Violet chuckled and crawled down next to katya, spooning her as she pulled a blanket over them.
"I love you"
"I love you too" violet responds, punctuating the sentence with a kiss on top of Katya's head.


Trixie takes a cautious step forward, like she's approaching a snake.
She rests her forearms on the railing and gets fully emerged in the stench of cigarette smoke and Violet's perfume.
"Information?" She asks, trying to look Violet in the eyes.
"Are you intrigued?" Violet asks with a smirk, clearly satisfied with having gained Trixie's attention.
"I guess, though I don't really get where you're going with this"

Violet stretches out her slim arms, trying to relieve the ache from moving around furniture all day, before speaking.
"How about some small talk first, then?"
Trixie nods, her eyebrows still furrowed in suspicion.

"Tell me about you and katya" she says, not catching Trixie fully off-guard but making her shift a bit.
"Uh- well.. we met pretty soon after she moved in, with us being neighbors and all.. and since there wasn't many other people our age in the neighborhood I guess we kinda hit it off"
Violet raises an eyebrow.
"You sure managed to gather a lotta people considering you're the only other person her age here?"
Trixie hadn't really thought about that before.
"Yeah, I mean, we're not the only ones.. I guess we just clicked then"

Violet nods and takes a drag of her cigarette. It feels weird talking about her girlfriend with said girlfriends ex, but since violet doesn't seem phased Trixie brushes it off.

"And then we kissed at a party 2 years later and.."
"..and here you are?" Violet finishes her sentence with a look that tells her it's cliché as all hell. Trixie manages to chuckle.
"Yeah, I suppose so"

The tension between them seems lifted somewhat. There's no denying that violet is charismatic, and it makes it easier for Trixie to let go a bit.
"What about you, what's your story?" She continues. Violet stubs out her cigarette with a smile.
"Well, a mutual friend introduced her to me at a party and we hooked up. We dated for a while, moved in together, broke up, and now I moved here after getting evicted."

Trixie had heard this story before from Willow and knows very well what parts violet left out, but she keeps her mouth shut. It's obviously not the nicest memories she has.
Violet's complacent smile hasn't faltered a bit as she continues.
"And to think that after all these years she's still a hell of a good kisser"

Trixie takes a step back and violet chuckles. She stares at her with wide eyes, not managing to get a word out.
"H- how.. what are you talking about?"
"Don't act surprised, doll. It's very much her style"

Trixie stands up straighter, trying to gain confidence.
"You're lying"
Violet rolls her eyes.
"Why would I lie to you? I've got no chance of getting her back, even if you drop her. I've got no personal vendetta against you, the fact that you're dating katya is simply something I can't blame you for"
"Then why would you tell me this?"
"I don't know, you deserve the truth. Perhaps it's more revenge on her, or maybe it's just knowing I did the right thing. Either way, take it"
Trixie still looks at her, confused.
"I don't want to... you're lying"
How could the mood shift this quickly? Was her goal to get this out while she could?  Trixie thinks to herself. The exchange had happened too quickly, she couldn't gather her thoughts in time, while it seems like violet had memorized a script.

Violet steps towards her, invading Trixie's personal space.
"Am I thought? Think long and hard about the night she came over to chat. She was late, I can only assume she wasn't herself when she got home-"
"Stop it" Trixie shuts her eyes.

Violet pauses and tilts her head, then carefully brushes Trixie's hair to the side. She still doesn't open her eyes, but her body tenses up.
"You seem smart, Trixie. I think it would've been hard for you to avoid it even if I didn't tell you-"
"I could've, because it's not true"
"Listen to me, alright? You might want to live your fairytale until you can blame your bed death on something easier to grasp, if only I wasn't here to shed a light on your suspicions. But I am here , and I was here the day she came over to talk, and I'll be there tomorrow when you confront her and the truth comes out.."
They pause to let a drunk guy stumble past them, heading over the lawn, presumably to go home.
Violet turns her attention back to Trixie.
"So don't count me out, alright sweetheart?"

She doesn't wait for an answer, simply walks past her so abruptly it catches Trixie off guard.
Trixie lets out a sigh, not realizing she had been holding her breath.
"What the fuck" she mumbles to her feet. "What the actual fuck" she repeats, sinking to the ground.

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