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Katya carefully locks the door behind her after stepping into her and Violet's shared apartment. Before she has a chance to turn around, Violet slams her hand into the door to the right of Katya's head, creating a barrier. Her hangover makes the sound a thousand times stronger and her shoulders instinctively shoot up to her ears. It's scary how quietly Violet can sneak up on her.
"Aren't you gonna look at me, doll?"
Katya turns around, meeting her dark eyes that are less than two inches away from her own.
"Wanna tell me what happened yesterday? You went to the bathroom and never came back, like some tinder hookup"
"I couldn't find you so I went with Willow"
Violet rolls her eyes at the name. Willow had always been a part of their group, doing party drugs just like everyone else, if not slightly less. But ever since Violet started dating Katya she had started to notice a change in her behavior.
"And why did you go with her? What'd she say?" Katya pushes Violet's arm down to try and get past her.
"None of your business" she scoffs, making her way into the livingroom. Violet hurries after her.
"She told you to break up with me, didn't she? Like last time?"
Katya stops and leans her head against the wall, shutting her eyes and attempts the bravest protest she can achieve at the moment, silence.
Violet catches up with her again, but this time keeping her distance.
She looks her, blinking quickly to shake off the anger without showing it to Katya.
"If you truly believe you'd be better off without me, there's the fucking door" she exclaims, succeeding in keeping her voice calm and not fully give in to the unfriendly feelings Katya is is stirring up inside of her.
"I'm not saying I want to leave you, I'm just asking you to be less of a shitty girlfriend".
They stand like that for a few seconds, letting her words hang around in the air before something seems to snap in Violet, and she closes the gap between them with a step forward.
"Fuck you, Katya" she hisses and crashes her lips onto hers.
Furious, Katya bites Violet's bottom lip, to which she actually pulls away with a small yelp. She instantly regrets it when Violet studies the drop of blood she swiped away from her lip, her eyes getting even more filled with anger, which Katya thought was scientifically impossible.
"I'm-I'm sorry" she says, trying to undo some of the damage she caused, even though she knows it's too late.
Violet grabs her by the arms and pushes her down onto the couch a few feet away from them, climbing on top of her.
She bends down and reconnects their lips, and though Katya is still worried about what Violet might do, she allows herself to get lost in it.
A small wave of guilt washes over her when the kiss gets overpowered by the sharp, metallic taste of blood.
Violet takes off her shirt as if it was hurting her, and traces Katya's sides with her sharp nails underneath the black nirvana top. Katya presses her mouth shut to stop a hiss as to not give any indication that Violet is hurting her, which was to be expected after what she did to her lip.
Violet's movements aren't loving nor tender as she unbuttons Katya's jeans, but she knows exactly what she's doing.
She always does.


Katya and Trixie are sitting on the couch, crammed so closely together that Trixie is practically lying on top of her. They're watching Mean girls for the third time this week, but today Trixie's fake gasps of surprise and squeezing of Katya's hand as something exciting happens is replaced with silence.

"Is there something on your mind?" Katya asks when she feels like the tension between them has been going on for way too long

She feels Trixie shift a little where she sits and answers with a cautious tone.
"Well, I- uh, talked to Roy when Danny was showing you his new dress and.. he said some things that made me start to think"

She sits up in the couch before continuing, letting go of Katya's hand leaving her colder than what should be humanly possible.

"I told him about Violet, like not all of it, just how it's affecting our relationship. You know I haven't been in many before, but I don't think this is how it's supposed to go"

A knot starts growing in Katya's stomach. She prays to all the gods she doesn't believe in that Trixie isn't going to leave her.

"I get that this thing with Violet could just be bad timing, and that you would have acted differently if I'd asked you out sooner, but I mean.." She makes a flustered motion with her hands.

"You rarely touch me, and when you do I can see in your eyes that you're freaking out because you're thinking about her". Trixies body sinks as the adrenaline that gave her the energy to confront her girlfriend is replaced with an overwhelming sense of exhaustion.

She lets several seconds pass before finally asking the question that's been gnawing at her from the inside.
"Do you even like me?"

Katya forces her eyes to stay open, even if all she wants is to shut the world and everyone in it out to process everything she's saying in peace.

Instead, she moves closer to Trixie again and turns her head so she's facing her.

"Of course I do" she says quietly. "More than anything in the world"

She's shocked over how genuine it sounds, before realizing that it's because she's telling the truth.

Trixie's lips forms a 'what?' But before she has the chance to utter the word Katya presses her lips against hers.

Though she's still torn, the feeling of Katya's lips momentarily makes her forget her anger.

She's relieved to find the same warmth as that time on her porch, where they shared their first real kiss. It's with this memory in mind she takes initiative to deepen the kiss, meeting Katya's tongue halfway there.

The sensation gets her worked up, and eventually she forgets about the outside world. All of her attention is directed towards the girl she's locking lips with.

The illusion is broken when she feels Katya's hand working it's way down to her waistband.

"Wait" Trixie pulls away slightly, which is enough for Katya to stop. She gives her a questioning look. "I just... I don't want my first time with you to be out of pity"

Katya gets cold again. Has she hurt Trixie that badly?

"Of course is not out of pity, If you wanna wait then I'm completely fine with that, but... I really want to. Because you're my girlfriend"

Trixie picks on her nails for a bit, not breaking eye contact with Katya.

She grabs her hand to stop her and carefully massages it.
"Maybe we start by talking?"

Trixie smiles.
"I'd like that"


FINALLY a new chapter. Not very long or interesting, but it was fun playing around with parallels
AND I can finally start on more interesting ones

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