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Violet pulls away and looks at katya.
"Kiss me", katya mumbles, scatter-brained, her eyes studying Violet's face intensely.
"Just kiss me before I come to my senses" she repeats, closing her eyes and trying to move closer. "I need you" she whispers.
Violet looks down at their connected hands, Katya's knuckles bordering on white as she clings onto her.
She hesitates for a moment before closing the gap between them, feeling katya relax instantly in her arms.

She runs her hand through her wavy blonde hair, everything about her feeling familiar.
Violet feels katya softly tugging on her bottom lip, and violet slips her tongue in her mouth in response
Katya moans softly, her hands moving from violets' to rest on her hips.

They sit tangled together for what feels like an eternity before katya has to let go for air. As she does, she opens her eyes. Violet sighs as she sees the realization in her eyes, letting her hands linger before letting go.
"Came to your senses, huh?" She throws her leg over the other.
Katya looks in disbelief at the wall before hastily getting up.
"I shouldn't have done that", she mumbles. "I really shouldn't have fucking done that".
She walks around in small circles in front of the couch.

Violet gets up and goes to grab her hand, but stops herself. It's probably not what she needs right more, she thinks.
""Kat, just please stay calm" katya stops dead in her tracks.
"Calm?" She takes a step forward. "Calm?!" She repeats, louder. "I cheated on my girlfriend, I can't be calm!"
"Oh for fucks sake, Kat. You kissed me, you didn't fuck my brains out"
"It's still not right" she grabs at her messy hair, exclaiming frustratedly.
"I-I have to go" she quickly gathers her things and rushes towards the door.

"Katya, please let's just talk-"
She cuts her off by slamming the door shut and stumbling out on the sidewalk.
She makes it a few blocks before thinking about how she probably shouldn't go home like this. She haphazardly combs her hair with her fingers and straighten her shirt.
Knowing that her lipstick is probably smeared to high hell she sits down to reapply.
"You really fucked up this time, Yekaterina" she mumbles to her reflection in the pocket mirror.


Trixie stares intensely at the flashing results of her channel-zapping on the TV. It's therapeutic in a way, even though it makes her feel a bit like a crazy person.
She stops once she hears the timer beep. She walks over to the kitchen and moves the steaming pot of spaghetti off the stove.
She's not Gordon Ramsay, but katya has never complained. She was supposed to be back a while ago, so Trixie took it into her own hands to cook. It could also be a comfort for Katya in case the visit stirred up bad memories, so she's not complaining.
She rumbles through the cupboards to find the strainer, but is interrupted by the door opening.

She rushes over to the hallway and swoops katya into her arms.
"Hi baby, I'm so glad you're back!"
Katya immediately returns the hug, squeezing Trixie tightly.
"It's good to see you too, baby"
Trixie leans forward and kisses her.

"Whats that smell?" Katya asks with a smile.
Trixie lets go and walks back into the kitchen, waving for katya to follow her.
"I cooked!" She throws her arms out towards the pot of spaghetti and the bowl of tomato sauce.
Katya looks surprisingly.. sad?

"You don't like it?" Trixie asks nervously. Katya hurries over.
"No no no, of course not, I love it" Trixie lets out a sigh of relief. "It's just so.. nice"
"Hey, don't act surprised I'm super nice" she hisses in mocked anger.
Katya chuckles.
"Whatever you say, trix"


Short chapter because I haven't updated in like a month?? Hope you like it anyways, I've got big plans for future chapters;)

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