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"I don't want to keep fighting" Violet says suddenly, unsure if Katya's awake. It's been two days since the night Katya came home from Willow's house, and the mood in the house had been anything but pleasant. She doesn't respond, but shifts where she's laying in their bed so that Violet at least knows she's awake.
"I know I can be cold.. and insensitive. It's not fair to you. I'm really sorry"
Katya turns around to face her and notices tears in the corner of her eye.
"I just love you so much, I'd never want to lose you over something as stupid as this"
Katya hurries to press her lips against Violet's before the tears spill over.
"I love you too" she whispers when she has to let go for air. "More than anything"


"I talked to mom yesterday" Trixie says with a neutral tone, loud enough to drown out the sound of vegetarian bacon sizzling on Katya's stove.

Katya looks up from the book she's reading at the dinner table and raises an eyebrow.
"Really? How'd it go?"

"Better than expected. She's still not on board with me being your girlfriend, but it's not like I have a restraining order. Like she said I could come back home if I wanted to.."

Katya smiles as she hears the hesitation in Trixie's voice.

Trixie rolls her eyes at the sound of Katya's smug tone, and answers as casually as possible.
"I just thought you were right, it's weird to live with your mom at 21, that's all"

Katya giggles as she gets up from the table and wraps her arms around Trixie's waist, right as she's about to flip one of the bacon pieces.

"So it has nothing to do with wanting to spend every second with the love of your life?" She asks in a pouty voice.

"Of course not! Reel it in, crazy"
They both laugh and Trixie takes her eyes off the pan for a second to give Katya a soft kiss. Katya lets out a loud and exaggerated moan and Trixie pushes her away with her free arm.

"Touch me again and I'm burning you with the grease" she squeals, making threatening gestures with the spatula.

"Worth it" katya chuckles as she sits back down in her chair to resume her book.

A less heavy chapter to prove that I'm alive

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