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"We're going in circles!" Willow exclaims as katya sits in her couch with her face in her hands.
"I'm sorry" katya mumbles, her heart sinking as Willow lets out yet another frustrated sigh.
"But I really think we could still work, these last couple weeks have been great! If you would just get put that image of her being some kind of crackhead I think you'd see-"
"It's not an image, you're both addicts, I saw you at a party just last Friday with pupils bigger than a fuckin'.. god knows what"
"Stop acting like it doesn't apply to you, you do it at every party we've been at together!"
"I don't take enough to collapse on dance floor and hitchhike home with a stranger!"
Katya stands up slow enough to not get dizzy on account of her hangover.
"I'm not a kid, you know. I can take care myself"
"Do you think I like doing this? Watching after you every day of the week instead of focusing on my job or my love life?"
"Then don't do it!" Katya throws her arms up.
"I can't, because if I'm not watching over you then you're going to get hurt. I've been here before, you've been here before-"
"I'm happy, Willow! For the first time in a long time I'm truly happy! Why can't you see that?"
They stand quietly for a few endless seconds, Willow's eyes getting shinier as time goes on.
"You know what, do whatever you want. Party like you always have, but I'm not gonna stand here and watch you kill yourself"
She throws her bag over her shoulder and storms towards the door without giving katya a chance to argue.
Just as she's about to leave, the door opens abruptly and she meets Violet's dark brown eyes.
Violet raises her eyebrow at the sight of her, but remains unshaken.
"Willow" She says in a greeting Tone.
"Violet" She responds dryly. "I was just leaving. I'll see you around" she carefully squeezes past her and Violet closes the door. She walks over to katya who's still standing in the living room.
"What was that about?" She asks with a smile and kisses Katya's temple.
"Nothing important" She responds, mirroring Violet's smile.


Katya and Trixie are lying in bed, tangled together like they're one being. Trixie is watching something on her iPad, but Katya is occupied with braiding a piece of her hair.

She feels so at peace. Like this is all she'll ever need in life.
But there's one thing still gnawing at her. One thing walking around carelessly a three minute drive from where she's lying.

"Why'd you stop?"
Katya is brought back by Trixie's words and realizes that she'd unconsciously stopped the rhythmic braiding of her hair.

"Oh, sorry, I got a bit lost in thought"
Trixie turns her head up to meet Katya's eyes.
"What were you thinking about?"

She bites the inside of her lip, wondering whether or not she should propose her idea to her unsuspecting girlfriend.
"I think I should talk to Violet"

She feels Trixie tensing in her arms, and she's worried that she's ruined something.
"Why?" Trixie asks cautiously.
"Because I can't go around worrying about walking into her all the time. I wanna come to terms with not being controlled by her anymore"

Trixie stays quiet for a while.
"It sounds reasonable but.. what if you get hurt?"

I run my hand up and down her arm in a soothing motion.
"I promise I won't, baby" I reassure her.
She takes my hand of her arm and leads it to her lips, kissing it lightly.
"Okay then" she whispers.


Katya: Are you there?

Violet: sure am
Violet: what's the occasion?

Katya: I need to talk to you
Katya: in person
Katya: is Danny home tomorrow?

Violet: no, I think he's staying at Roy's for the weekend

Katya: okay
Katya: I'll be there at eight pm

Violet: can't wait

Disgusted Katya turns her phone off and puts it on the bedside table before sneaking in the bathroom to take a shower.


Another kind of short chapter because I didn't wanna do it all in one
Stay tuned tho xoxo

Take your time - TrixyaNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ