Enter, April O'Neil

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April's POV (That's right, trying something new lol)

I followed the mixed voices, up the ladder to the roof, and peer over the ledge. Seeing four giant things and a teenage looking girl, I take my phone out and snap a picture quickly- forgetting that the flash was on, and seeing everyone freeze. Hearing the girl mutter 'shit' was my cue to make my way back down the ladder.

"What was that?" One of the creatures said.

"A camera flash." Another responded.

"We know it's a camera flash." One replied. "Who's behind the camera flash?"

"By my calculations, it's a girl." A voice that matched the second one spoke again.

"Are we gonna kill her?" A younger sounding creature asked, making my heart rate spike.

"What?" Mixed voices shouted.

"With kindness. Give her some flowers, earn her trust." He continued, leading to the assumption that he's naive.

"I got this." A deeper voice said.

"Raph! No, no, no! C'mon!" The voice of the teenager mixing with a voice from one of the creatures.

It wasn't long after those words were spoken when I felt a chain wrap around my body and yank me back up and on to the roof. Hurting my wrist upon impact, I took a minute before looking around, only to see a green pair of three toed feet, with leather wrapped shins landing in front of me. "Give me the camera." The deep gravelly voice sounded even deeper and caused me to look up at the rest of the body. A giant freaking talking turtle

"Oh look, he's using is Batman voice." Another turtle looking thing spoke up, causing the teenager to laugh. "She's so hot, I can feel my shell tightening."

"Rude." The girl said.

"We can hear you." The turtle in front of me turned his head to glare at the other one. Turning his attention back to me, "If you don't give me the camera, I'm gonna-"

"Enough!" One ordered, flipping in the air to land by the angry one and myself. "Back off Raph." He said, earning a huff from the one named Raph.

"I only saw Batman once!" Raph yelled at the orange clad turtle and the teenager.

"You're welcome for that one." The girl said as she remained leaning against the wall.

"Ma'am, hello!" The second one, with a blue mask regained my attention. "I apologize. My colleague here forgot to say please. So, will you please hand over the camera?" Feeling overwhelmed, I turned to see the turtle in orange is suddenly right beside me.

He notices my wide eyes and grips my shoulders gently, as if to steady me. "No, no, no. Whoa." He begins. "Whoa. Chill. It's just a mask." He said while reaching behind his head to loosen the knot before taking his mask off his face. "see? Don't freak out." He held his mask in the air beside his head.

I, on the other hand, felt myself getting dizzy from being overwhelmed by these humanoid turtles that I black out and faint.


Abby's POV

While I was able to clear my head from Karai's punches, I see both Leo and Mikey team up on the poor reporter. Leo with his intensity about her phone, and Mikey with the childishness of thinking she was afraid of their masks. And sure enough, April fainted. "You guys need to relax." I comment as I'm finally able to push away from the wall and stand on my own two feet without feeling like I'm about to throw up. "I'm really glad you were never like that with me or you guys would have had me running for the hills as well." I comment again, dryly.

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